Alpine Foxling Kit

Sniffs the ground. Sits and scratches its chin with its foot.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found in the snowy mountains of Kun-Lai Summit.

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

After looking for a long time, found a pack of 3 kits and one Alpine Foxling. Battled all the kit's and left the Alpine Foxling alone. Got multiple lower level kit's, but no rare. Waited 5 minuts and the kits respawned again. Rinse and repeat. Have battled a total of 9 kits so far, and no rares. But at least I have one less battle pet to catch. Found mine at 52.56/62.69 in Kun Lai Summit. Good luck.
This is one of my favorite pets. Very fast and decent hits all around. I almost always have it on my team.
Just used my lvl 25 Rare Alpine Foxling Kit (B/B) to take down Stitches Jr. Solo today...use a Howl and Bite combo... Very easy and surprisingly quick.
Comes in two breeds. The B/B breed with 276 speed is enough to actually be faster than 341 speed pets, but S/B one is probably a better one since you will also be faster than the speedy rabbits, if you use Dazzling Dance. S/B breed lose 3 power and a few points of health, so nothing much is lost. Wolves have a diverse and powerful set of moves. Howl for great combinations and huge damage, or just forced switch. Crouch makes you super durable. Very underestimated pets.
found it in kun-lai, they go in packs with Alpine Foxling. easy to find a rare.
Finally caught one of these guys as a secondary to a Tolai Hare outside of Shado-Pan. It was rare quality. I had come across a few of them as packs of 2-3 with an Alpine Foxling, but all of them were poor or common quality. Not the easiest to get, but take on every pet you find in the snowy areas and you should get a decent quality one eventually.
More difficult to find than the Alpine Foxling, and is all but identical.
Found a bunch of these near the Shado Pan Monastery, second one i battled was a rare. Think I got lucky ;) but there really was a load of these guys around so I doubt its not too hard to get a rare.
got as a secondary pet to a monitor....uncommon
Got a common one a as a secondary to a Tolai Hare south of Shadowpan Monestary.