Ashmaw Cub

Ashmaw Cub
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
Players can collect this pet by heading east of Smolderhide Thicket in Val'sharah.
A Shivering Ashmaw Cub can be found in small cave in Lunarwing Shallows. Interacting with this NPC starts a small event in which Thistleleaf sprites attack, followed by Jinikki the Puncturer. Defeating these hostile mobs will allow the player to speak with the Shivering Ashmaw Cub again, which will reward the pet.
Players can start and complete this event at any time. There are no prerequisites.
A Shivering Ashmaw Cub can be found in small cave in Lunarwing Shallows. Interacting with this NPC starts a small event in which Thistleleaf sprites attack, followed by Jinikki the Puncturer. Defeating these hostile mobs will allow the player to speak with the Shivering Ashmaw Cub again, which will reward the pet.
Players can start and complete this event at any time. There are no prerequisites.
Level 0:

1-4 of 4
1-4 of 4

Beast of a pet, easily acquired, H/H breed and the combination of Roar, Rampage, then Hibernate, makes it unquestionably a very powerful Beast type pet.
At high levels this cub becomes a tanky brusier. Mixing roar and rampage plus the beats passive can deal HUGE damage. I did upward to 700+ with rampage on a lvl 25 critter. Overall a tanky bruiser in the beast family.
First pet I collected. It's a Darkshore Cub with just the name changed. Disappointing.
Found in a cave entrance @ 53.00 87.81
Talk to the cub, then have to protect it (2 waves). Then the quest appears and the rewards is the cub.