Wanderer's Festival Hatchling

Looks around and bobs head. Also rears up and roars.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.4 | Posted: September 25, 2012
This wild pet can be found on Turtle Beach in Krasarang Wilds. It only spawns during the Wanderer's Festival.
The festival is held only on Sunday night from 9 PM to 11 PM (Pacific Standard Time, GMT-8). During the festival, floating lanterns appear on the surface of the water and Pandaren NPCs wander onto the beach to set up bonfires and shoot off fireworks. Shortly after, the Wanderer's Festival Hatchlings appear.
Level 0:

This pet is very good for Pvp pet battles specifically against Sunny Day teams. Not only do you naturally counter Elementals with Grasp, you counter their Sunny Day with Cleaning Rain healing your entire team, and Perk Up to basically do a better Sunny Day than they :)
Good news, far as I can tell it's every 'Sunday'-ish. Techically started at 2:00 am EST Monday, for us, and ended 22 mins later. (This was the really bad news, in our opinion, if we want all the breeds.) Didn't see anything at the 12 am EST, but we were in the spot marked wrong as the pet location, so it's possible the lanterns and fireworks were phased/not visible? Only pet spawns were right after the achevement and first fireworks, so no reason to stay awake for the end!
Maybe 8 total pets? Groups of two turtles, sort of on top of each other, spaced around Turtle Beach at the statue. Supposed to be a low pop server, but that's never how it works out. About half dozen other players at least, only the two of us from our server. Pets go immediately. Need the target macro and interact, even in 2023. Probably sticking with the single pet, 2 am on a weekday is rough. Even 12 am is not something I want to test again anytime soon.
Any news when available? Yearly or every sunday? Or spawn time? No clue
Just tried to grab this pet... but it didn't show up at midnight. Did some research and now I've read that the festival takes place between 9h - 11h; after sunset. So next week I'll do another attempt!
Anyone else got some more info perhaps about the hours this festival at this point takes place?
This is one of the few pets you *want* the B/B breed for. The H/H breed has no power and no speed and this turtle has a unique moveset that needs power to be effective. I use my B/B quite a bit!
I was going to try to get one of these tonight in hopes of replacing my B/B, but I've read some comments on wowhead that the festival only occurs once a year now, can anyone confirm?
These did indeed spawn about 4 minutes after 11pm PST (and presumably 9pm PST, but I wasn't there). Fireworks went off at about 11:02, got the achievemnt at 11:03, and these spawned at about 11:04. I stood at /way 71 33 and sure enough one popped a few feet away. Was lucky enough to get it as there were 20+ people wandering around the beach waiting for them (even in late 2018). Got a rare, couldn't believe my luck - turned out to the be the worst of the 3 breeds. But who cares, one and done, can't beat that!
Up after midnight, Sunday. Logged into Dalaran at Turtle Beach to take a look at the festival. Only one other and myself there. Fireworks erupt. Second captured hatchling was a Rare. Two more in sight as I logged off. Yipee Ki Yay.
@Josselynn Yes, the festival happens every Sunday night http://www.wowhead.com/npc=67022/wanderers-festival-hatchling
Does the Festival still happen and if so, when? I checked the in game calendar to see when this was but I could not find it. Thanks!
Thank you, everyone who mentioned the map being wrong. Just got a H/H breed, grey rarity, which i instantly rare-ified! YAAAY!!
Be aware that the map location is WRONG. Please correct it.
Just found this guy last night and I dont even care that he is a B/B, I'm just happy to have one :). A pretty good crowd was there and had plenty of ragers after only 3 spawned, so get there early! I followed a posts advice about there being a set spawn at 72,31 and sure enough one came up right at the edge of the tree's shade. They spawned more around 11:02 and seconds after you get ach, I really suggest using a Corgi or Turnip since you can still crit very high on them.
There is a comment back in 2013 with good info with one error - 4/6/15 - stuck around for the closing festival (at 11PM Pacific) and had a few spawn. Was able to get the H/H I wanted. Thanks for all the other tips! Wowhead's location is still wrong to this day. Stick near the statue, they'll show.
Those are around area 72,31 ish.
Close to "The Incursion" on the map.
A bit hard to get if you are on a high pop server.
Note: if you have done the pvp quest (altest as horde, dunno about ally) you will find it harder to look for the hatchlings around area 80,25 couse the pvp area will be zooned.
Stayed up till 2 am to get one, as soon as the event started I grabbed the first I saw which thankfully was an uncommon, soon as I captured it the server went down! Thankfully I got it.
I stayed up until midnight to try to get one of these. I clicked on one that was poor and let it go. I should not have done that because I never saw another one!
I was standing by the water's edge. Where do they usually spawn? I was surprised to see a ton of people there, but with the long weekend, I imagine everyone had the same idea as I did - that we didn't have to get up as early Monday! I can't believe they would all have been snapped up so fast. :(
Play on Winterhoof; went to Festival before 11pm pst. Spoke with Festival Herald who stated it would begin upon the hour, which was 11pm. After all the party goers arrived the "Wanderer's Festival Hatchling" spawned, quite a few actually. I was lucky and got a blue on first try.
It's important to remember this Festival only lasts about 24min. So it was over right as I got there.
This is the turtle that packs the biggest punch. Pump will boost your Grasp and will allow for a huge hit when released. A slightly different heal than the other turtles. Cleansing Rain could be interesting when paired with other pets with aquatic attacks, and it also boosts Grasp, but then you will trade away your biggest hitter. This sees like the most useful turtle to me, but it is tougher to get and then you might get a crappy breed. 244 speed and power is really bad.