Spiny Terrapin

Looks around and bobs head. Also rears up and roars (rare).
Pit-pattering footsteps
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

Very cool turtle model. Sadly turtles are not very powerful, regular attacks hit for well below 300 damage. And even with high health pools they will not really stand up to any strong punishment. Shell would be excellent against multi hit attacks, making the turtle slightly less bad and somewhat useful against Rabbits. Can be good road block, damage soaker, against undead. Just don't expect it to kill much else. Also low power does not help the self heal or the shell much.
Loads of them at the brewfest at turtle beech on a Sunday evening. I got 5 uncommans in a row but no rare.
This event seems to happen at 9pm and again at 11 pm server time in Europe - American servers seem to have different times.
Got this guy rare second go!
Found up in the cove at the very north eastern point of Krasarang just south of Zhu's Watch.
This guy is very easy to find in Karasang around the Anglers areas. If you do their dailies you'll probably spot him at some point. I only managed to snag an uncommon, but he has ridiculous HP.
found one of those in Jade Forest, not as an add.
I missed this guy. Perfect pet for capturing more pets.