Emerald Turtle

Looks around and bobs head. Also rears up and roars (rare).
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

Aquatic with a strong vs flying pets attack. Quite interesting but less useful in practice. Even with high health pool fliers, especially Crows/Ravens will kill this poor turtle quickly. But at least you will be able to bite back a bit harder if you hit with this 90% move. A missed bite and you will be severely behind. Other than that it suffers from the usual turtle weaknesses. Can be useful against Haunters that switch into birds. Try with Moonlight for 10% extra damage and 25% healing.
@ Nikkip: That's probably because you have an H/B breed, not an H/H one.
Anyway, an interesting pet since it's one of only two turtles to have a unique moveset (the other being the Wanderer's Festival Hatchling), even if it's just replacing a Beast attack with a Magic one. I wouldn't deliberately use him against Flying types myself, but with Shell Shield's ability to shut down moves like Slicing Wind and Moth Balls, I'd say Emerald Bite gives him a fair chance if you have no other choice.
Found a Rare Balance @ 40.3 53.4 in the Jade Forest.
I have found the numbers true. I have the addon Petbreeds Id it shows. Rare at 25,h/b-1790,b/b-1725,h/h-1969. I have an h/b Uncommon (green) and he does well at 25. However I wanted an h/h for its health and speed. it is the fastest of the three breeds @ health, 1969.power,244.and speed,227.It took me a while to figure out the breeds and such. It does make a difference. just for info, the h/h I caught was common, No rare, I used a stone on him and his stats will be as quoted
My emerald turtle is rare quality and 1790 health. I am finding this with several of your pets you have rated with health so high
Excellent for wild pve & npc pet battles especially the H/H breed as it can take a licking and often outlast a trio of rares provided they are not very strong vs aquatics.
Strangely, both this and the Wanderer's Festival Hatchling are described as young versions of Shen-Zin Su.
captured an uncommon at 56.83 slingtail pits.
first one i saw i went to battle, now i dont know if im lucky or unlucky cuz i got a rare emerald turtle and a rare masked tanuki at once :( im still crying over killing it!Â
Found the first of many at 51, 79 which is west of the river that heads north from Peralfin Village and while flying north I see they are all by that river on both sides.