Chalkshell Turtle

Idles and wanders about.
3 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: November 28, 2022
Players need to speak with an adolescent Tuskarr named Lani in The Azure Span. Lani will hand out Turtle Bait, which summons a wild Chalkshell Turtle that can be captured.
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

did this 30 times. 24 poor, 4 common, 2 uncommon. never saw a rare =(
managed to get a rare woodbiter piculet out of it though, which i needed! =)
make that 33 times. 2 more poors and....a rare! finally lol!
I got two Whites and a Grey so I released the Grey and caught a BLUE :)
Thanks for the comments. I caught 3 Uncommon, thought I'd try for a rare and caught one. Moving around the beach seems to help.
However it worked before, now you can still request bait even after you've caught three. Theoretically you could gamble for a rare.
In The Azure Span, NPC callled Lani, at 10.8 48.2 gives you a turtle bait
The turtle bait has a 1 min cooldown, and you can request as much turtle bait as you want. No wild rare for me, captured 3 (baited 4: poor, common, poor, uncommon), all same breed
It appears that once you catch one, the option to get more bait disappears. I'm scared to release the one I have to test if it can be farmed for a rare haha.