Tundra Penguin

Looks around and Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found on the icebergs along the coast with other penguin critters.

Why doesn't this pet have a death animation, you kill it and it just stands there blankly like you stole its last fish
There are newer models of penguin pets that look sharper and cuter, but I enjoy how foolish this one is. I named mine Cody.
I feel sorry for the pets that share this model. Blizz made them look so damn derpy...
Got a rare while hunting a rare Nexus whelping. I wasn't planning on getting it, but when I saw the ability where they slide, I couldn't resist. :)
Of course, I named him Mumble.
Finaly foind a rare as an add to a Nexus Whelpling and an alliance charicter attacked me just before i could finish the battle :(
The healthiest penguin available at 1627 health. The two breeds trade power(289 with 244 speed) for speed(273 with 260 power). When you got Surge you don't really need to worry about speed since you always have the option to go first. With Slippery Ice down Ice Lance damage really starts to fly. Tiny Snowman is a nice partner, strong vs birds and it has Blizzard which makes Belly Slide go first as well. Penguins are a nice aquatic and are quite strong.
Totally go with the dragon bone hatchling advice other people are giving. Really easy to get one of these silly birds as a secondary in pet battles with them. I named mine Hioho after the awesome penguins in New Zealand. Hioho is my druid's BFF. Miettes the druid runs around in white-furred bear form with Hioho and they look like a couple of arctic rabble-rousers. They especially love crashing beautiful springwater pools until they get kicked out by officious wisps.
Been trying to catch a rare of these for 3-4 weeks now. This is the last Northrend pet that I still need a rare of. Finally found one as the third pet along with a couple shore crabs. I was using my Nether Fairie Dragon's Slicing Wind attack and it hits 3 times with 2 crits and killed the damn penguin. My hunt continues...
Update: Two days later, went with the Dragonbone strategy mentioned below. After about 50 more fights, I finally caught one.
Got it as secondary to a oily slimeling today. The very first pool when i entered the fields from the airstrip side
Farming the Dragonbone Hatchlings in Dragonblight is definitely the way to go if you're looking for this pet. You can make a loop of all the spawn points, killing every single one if you want, and never run out of spawns. I found a rare as a secondary pet in the first fight, and probably tossed a dozen more back while looking for a rare Dragonbone Hatchling.
Whoever said go to Dragon Wastes & farm the condors was right, you don't have to leave the area and got a rare quickly.
Say what you want about place holders, luck or what ever ;) But, when I got to the beach, there were NO battle pets up, killed all the little lvl 1 critters, did a loop up Moa'ki Harbor to kill some rabbits ;) then back, when I got back, all the critter had respawned, 6 of them were now battle pets. And 1 of them was my RARE :)
I just found a solitary lvl 1 rare on an iceburg out to sea, South of Death's Stand in Borean Tundra. The first time I battled him it was poor quality, I flew past 5 min later and it was back up. I swapped in my terrible turnip & I was so excited to see he was rare this time :)
Got mine last night on US server, west coast time 2:00 AM. Sure enough, Dragon Wastes in Dragonblight is "one" of the places to go. However, 'rares/uncommon' were "rare". Dragonbone Hatchlings, plentiful, and spawn/respawn everywhere. Got a 'rare' with first hit. If looking for: 'rare' Artic Hare/Shore Crab, go here. They're so plentiful I was tossing them. The place I finally got my rare Penguin however, was in Broean Tundra in the Oily Oozling lineup. Only one showed, and I got him. Sweeeet!
I'm a Roleplayer on Moon Guard, ßùtch , and I named this pet Beaky. In RP (Roleplay), Beaky is a majorly idiotic but lovable penguin. And by majorly, I mean MAJORLY. This pet is very lovable, and it deserves more recognition. Please, go out to Dragonblight, and grab one of your own! They're on icebergs, just so you don't aimlessly fly around looking for one on the shore.
You can find these guys as a secondary pet to most of the available battle pets in the Borean Tundra. I like the move where he slides on his belly to attack your foes :)
got my rare, killing the dragon bone hatchlings, in dragonblight, also captured a rare arctic rabbit to. good luck.
The best way to farm for your rare version of this guy is to go to the Dragon Wastes in Dragonblight (the area surrounding Wyrmrest Temple). Dragonebone Hatchlings spawn all over that area and they have an incredibly fast respawn time. The Tundra Penguin frequently shows up as a secondary in those fights so you can try over and over again to get a rare and never run out of spawns. Also a good time to pick up an Arctic Hare and Shore Crab :)
Found as an add to arctic hare primary in Dragonblight near Moa'ki Harbor.
I found two rares while battling the condors just next to the Temple in Dragonblight. Both times one was mixed in with the pet I was battling. Soo adorable!