
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Looks around and idles about.
» Video
Vocalizations (on-click)
Players who emote /sexy while targeting Mr. Chilly will cause him to belly slide along the ground.
Wrath of the Lich King expansion required.

Nurtured Penguin Egg
Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Requires The Kalu'ak - Exalted
Use: Teaches you how to summon Pengu.
Right Click to summon and dismiss Pengu.
Sell Price: 3
This pet may be purchased for roughly 10 gold (factoring in the reputation discount) upon achieving exalted with the Kalu'ak faction. Sairuk is found in Moa'ki Harbor, Dragonblight. Tanaika is located in Kamagua, Howling Fjord. A variety of Kalu'ak quests are available to earn reputation, including a few repeatable daily quests.
Pengu walks on land and swims on his belly in water. He responds to the /sexy emote by sometimes doing a penguin slide. There are different animations for the slide on land and in water.

If you are interested in making a Belly Slide Bomb team then Pengu is the best balanced Penguin. The Tundra penguin has 244 speed so the ability to hopefully go first makes this little guy more viable. I would recommend going Tiny Snowman-Blizz-Stun then swapping to either Terky or Mr Wiggles for their 50% 4 turn hit chance. That will give you 3 turns of massive damage from Pengu.
My Pengu does nothing when I emote /sexy at him. He just stands there. Is he broken?
this guy is cute.oh,and get ur eyes wide open when u go under water with this pet!u should watch the youtube video for him.Adorable!but in the pic there might be red eye problem.who knows how that happened!!!ii got him from a guy selling them for 50 and 60 gold.i've actully never attacked or battled with him...but ignore that.hes downright cute!hes a aquatic,hes good against elemental and undead.hope this helps a bit...yay?
Fastest penguin available, with slightly above avarage power and health. Just watch out for birds, partner with Tiny Snowman can be great. Penguins are a bit random dependant with only defence coming from 20% hit reduction of Slippery Ice. Belly Slide hits really hard but with 50% hit you have to gamble. Slippery Ice buffed Ice Lance hurts alot, especially mechanicals. Surge is very nice to be able to throw in when you got the need for speed. All in all very nice aquatic.
i got lucky some one put him on my AH for only a copper pice so i got him
/sexy at Pengu
He'll slide on his belly and a frost cloud appears! It's a pretty cool little animation! :D
Did Blizz ever even give a reason for the change?
(added Jan 5, 2010) Please put the old pic of Pengu back in Breanni... give him his red-eyed justice in at least one place in this tired old world of pc boringness (is there still no reason from Blizz for this travesty?). Revive the Pengu Revolution!
UPDATE: Kinda sad to see a blue-eyed Pengu after the launch of 3.3. :-(
Helping some friends through Blood Furnace and showing the place to Pengu, Magtheridon cried out: "The master has come."
Briefly i saw Pengu's eyes sparkle.