Wild Duckling

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: November 28, 2022

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

Above the Valdrakken bank is a little pond where pets often spawn. If none are there, kill the critters and they should respawn as pet battles soon enough. The Wild Duckling which spawns here is a blue quality battler very often. (I have only seen H/B type blues here). It's often enough that I check whenever i am in the area and have gotten most of my guildmates to pop over and battle it for their blue quality pet as well.
I found him primary two times at Uktulut Outpost, The Walking Shores, at 16.80 89.75
Both times i tried to catch him I accidenatly killed him, he is weak and a bit tricky to get in the 30% window to throw the trap.
I just killed him a 3rd time at Ruby Life Pools, (57.0, 71.1) but I can confirm he seams to spawn fast, and on 4th try I got him in the windows so I could throw the trap and catch him.
Plucky Duckling also spawns here
Found as primary at Ruby Life Pools (56,71). My first was a common quality, then waited for another to spawn (about 2 minutes), next was uncommon, then third was rare. GL hunting!
Found as a primary: Waking Shores 78.1 51.2
Found as primary near Ruby Life Pools (56, 70) in The Waking Shores.