Snapdragon Pup

Idles about.
3 allowed
The War Within
Patch 11.0.7 | Posted: December 17, 2024
This pet only spawns during a Naga Invasion of the Siren Isle.
Level 0:

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

up on a ledge around cords /way 41.68, 65.41 I found 3 pups. I captured a blue one. The other two were common.
Spent an hour looking for a spawn. None ever popped. I killed every battlepet in the area hoping to spawn one and still nada. Is there a time frame you need to hunt them? I have a super fast kill team to eliminate them. I was not in storm phase but all I saw were the piglets.
Found the purple one first time I walked into the zone and Lost The Battle. You can't take me anywhere.
thank you so much wain for your help in the color probabilities for pets its been a big help to me. took me 100 or so kills before i finally found the elusive purple s/s breed. i probably came across around 10 or so other purple tints but i was looking for s/s. keep searching you will find it eventually!
From the game database, the green & yellow colour is by far the most common (80% chance). The two remaining colours: purple and red, are equally rare (10% chance, each).
A few observations in my multi-day search for a red S/S out of storm:
1. It looks like 3 Snapdragon Pup battle pets are up at any time. If you just killed one, then the replacement may take several seconds to spawn.
2. You don't need to kill the Snapdragon Pup critters to make the battle pet version spawn.
3. Critter versions don't always turn into battle pet versions of the same color. So a red Snapdragon Pup critter won't always turn into a red Snapdragon Pup battle pet.
First one was an uncommon, S/S breed.
Naga invasion. I found several both in and out of the storm, various locations.
All were B/B and common (green) quality.