Sea Pony

Sea Pony
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about.
Splashing (on summon); bubbling (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
Fishing required.
3 allowed
Patch 4.3.0 | Posted: November 29, 2011
This pet is obtained via open-water coastal fishing on the Darkmoon Island. See El's Extreme Anglin's guide: Catching Sea Pony for more information.
Players may only farm for this pet one week per month due to the Darkmoon Island only being accessible the first week out of every month.
The Sea Pony has a unique summoning animation in which the player's hands are enveloped with globes of water, and a splashing animation and noise is made upon the pet's spawning.
Level 0:

I've been using different characters to fish 100 of the darkmoon fish for the scavenger hunt map thing, each character gets 100 tickets to trade for a pet (pets cost 90 tickets each from the pet vendor). Anyway I didn't find any of these til my 2nd character but I was just on the beach near the guy who teleports you to the cannon. I spent extra time fishing for the pets the fishing reward merchant sells and got another one. Still have 5 pets to buy at darkmoon so I will probably get a 3rd
I love their doofy face.
Pump (once), cleansing rain when off CD, then spam either Tidal Wave or water jet. Will have some survivability against dot opponents, especially if used in conjunction with damage reducing weather such as sandstorm. Whirlpool could replace water jet in some battles if necessary. Not many good battle options for this fish out of water.
I caught mine after 76 attempts I was actually trying to collect enough of the dagger maw for the ghostshell Crab was fishing for less than an hour with the donut since my fishing was low
Fished up two in December 2015 near the Trainer on the docks.
I'm curious if the spawn rate/chances of catching a Sea Pony changed after 6.2
With the new Darkmoon Daggermaw fishing I haven't caught a single Sea Pony and I've fished more this week so far at the Darkmoon Faire than I ever remember.
Got it! Easter Sunday! My gift to myself! Less than an hour and fewer than 100 casts! I was just about to stop and take a nap, but now I'm too excited! Oh, I caught the Sea Pony (uncommon) at the end of the pier next to the fishing trainer. 8^D
happy person here.
caught mine today after trying for two days.
i caught her right next were the fish trainer is standing.
on the peer that leeds into the water.
Caught mine on first cast by fishing trainer, had a stone so went ahead and made him rare.
To be clear, you do NOT need to have water walking to fish in the cave. Just swim up to the walls on either side of the cave and you'll inevitably find a spot where you can stand and not aggro the mobs. Took me 11 minutes-ish to get mine. Also the coords for the cave entrance is 74, 38.
I've now gotten two of them. First one I got the first day it was implemented while doing the fishing skill quest off the pier on my shaman. I wasn't even aware there was a pet at the time. Second one I got November 2, 2014 again doing the same fishing skill quest off the pier on my paladin. So you don't need to be near the cave with the ?? mobs. This drops just fine off the pier where you fish for the fishing skill quest.
Took abiout 50 casts for me to get it off of the pier near where the fishing trainer stands. Just casting into the general water buffed with only the buff from the fishing pole.
I got it in the underwater cave after 21 minutes of fishing. I used Water Walking elixirs and just stayed very close to the cave mouth
I'm trying to catch this sucker right now in the underwater cave. However patch 6.0.2 seems to have added some hostile level ?? mobs to this cave. I'm guessing they're level 100 because they demolished my ilvl 569 blood DK in a matter of seconds. You will need water walking to fish here if you're level 90 or below.
Got mine in the underwater cave after about 20 cast.
That face.. OoO
I can't believe it. I cast at least a few hundred times on my main with no luck. I tried the underwater cave, all around the perimeter of the island, logging in and logging out; nothing worked. A few minutes ago, I logged in with an alt and got the sea pony on my second cast. It's uncommon balance. I don't know if it will make a good battle pet, but it sure is cute!
yep cave is best... got 1st on 100 casts , got 2nd on 172.
died a few times before I saw this clip.. hope its helpfull if you dont know where it is
Caught from ship wreck debris standing on some rocks a little ways off shore to the east of the docks. Got it with the second sealed crate. I had been fishing there for about 20 minutes when the debris showed up.
Very happy. Been farming open water every Faire, first time I got one.
I got the sea pony at the underwater cave (below the sunken ship, off the middle of the east coast at the edge of the fatigue zone) in about 20 casts.