Plucky Duckling

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: November 28, 2022
Level 0:

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

Logged out in the bank in Valdrakken, logged back in and idly moused over the two pet icons on the minimap...and one was this little dude. Right near the waterfall just above the bank, so it's also a place to just check regularly for passive finding.
Great place to farm this is on top of the bank in Valdrakken. Just cull the 3 wild ducklings until a plucky duckling spawns in it's place.
The Waking Shore /way 56.97, 71.08 sitting on the edge of the river, first pet was rare. Been clicking on Wild Duckling all day and no rares, guess I'll stone one in the end.
This cutie can be interacted with using /quack, they SING!!! Pilot and the other wild ducklings seem to as well!
This isn't only an added pet. I found one near the ruby life shrine, where you drop the bees off.