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Miscellaneous Aquatic: WoW Battle Pets

Pets by Family Aquatic Miscellaneous Aquatic
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Ambystan Darter [Ambystan Darter]

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis

Taught By: [Ambystan Darter]

Ambystan Snapper

Pet Battle: [25] Zereth Mortis

Archetype of Metamorphosis [Archetype of Metamorphosis]

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis

Taught By: [Archetype of Metamorphosis]

Flurky [Blue and Gold Murloc Egg]

Pet Store (Pet Pack for Ukraine) 

Horny Toad

Pet Battle: [7-9] Desolace; [25] Tanaan Jungle

Lost Platysaur [Lost Platysaur]

Vendor: Talutu

Zone: Zuldazar

Cost: 100,000gold (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Tricky Nick

Zone: Tiragarde Sound

Cost: 100,000gold (unlimited supply)

Lovely Duckling [Lovely Duckling]

World Event: Noblegarden

Vendor: Noblegarden Merchant (Horde) / Noblegarden Vendor (Alliance)

Cost: 250Noblegarden Chocolate (unlimited supply)

Mallard Duckling [Mallard Duckling]

Vendor: Pakak

Zone: Valdrakken

Cost: 1Braised Bruffalon Brisket 1Riverside Picnic 3Fated Fortune Cookie (unlimited supply)


Pet Battle: [25] Thaldraszus

Puddle Terror [Puddle Terror]

Quest: Mastering the Menagerie [1]

Zone: Lunarfall, Frostwall


Drop: Big Bag of Pet Supplies

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 50

Quack-E [Quack-E]

Profession: Dragonflight Engineering [50]

Taught By: [Schematic: Quack-E]

Scavenging Snapdragon

Pet Battle: [25] Siren Isle

Weather: Seafury Tempest Storm

Sea Pony [Sea Pony]

World Event: Darkmoon Faire (first week of each month)

Profession: Fishing [1+]

Zone: Darkmoon Island

Approximate Catch Rate: 1 in 250

Sergeant Quackers [Sergeant Quackers]

Achievement: Ducks In A Row

Category: Dragonflight Raid

Skippy [Skippy]

Vendor: World Vendors

Cost: 50Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Slimy Sea Slug [Slimy Sea Slug]

Drop: Slimy Cocoon

Zone: Nazjatar [50]

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 7 options

Snapdragon Pup

Pet Battle: [25] Siren Isle

The War Within World Event: Siren Isle Naga Invasion

Sting Ray Pup [Sting Ray Pup]

Profession: Legion Fishing

Vendor: Conjurer Margoss - Good Friends

Zone: Dalaran (Broken Isles)

Cost: 50Drowned Mana (unlimited supply)

Storm-Infused Snapdragon

Pet Battle: [25] Siren Isle

Weather: Seafury Tempest Storm

Tideskipper [Shell of Tide-Calling]

Drop: Morogrim Tidewalker [??+]

Zone: Serpentshrine Cavern

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 11

Time-Lost Salamanther [Time-Lost Salamanther]

Vendor: Trading Post

Zone: Orgrimmar (H), Stormwind (A)

Cost: 600Trader's Tender (unlimited supply)

Wriggle [Wriggle]

Drop: Kobyss Delve's Heavy Trunk

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

TIP: The Pet Events Calendar is a quick-reference tool that features all vanity pets which can only be obtained during special events.
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