Miscellaneous Aquatic: WoW Battle Pets
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Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis
Taught By: [Ambystan Darter]

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis
Taught By: [Archetype of Metamorphosis]

Pet Store (Pet Pack for Ukraine)

Vendor: Talutu
Zone: Zuldazar
Cost: 100,000 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Tricky Nick
Zone: Tiragarde Sound
Cost: 100,000 (unlimited supply)

World Event: Noblegarden
Vendor: Noblegarden Merchant (Horde) / Noblegarden Vendor (Alliance)

Pet Battle: [25] The Waking Shores; [25] Ohn'ahran Plains; [25] The Azure Span; [25] Thaldraszus

World Event: Darkmoon Faire (first week of each month)
Profession: Fishing [1+]
Zone: Darkmoon Island
Approximate Catch Rate: 1 in 250

Pet Battle: [25] The Waking Shores; [25] Ohn'ahran Plains; [25] The Azure Span; [25] Thaldraszus
TIP: The Pet Events Calendar is a quick-reference tool that features all vanity pets which can only be obtained during special events.