Sifang Otter Pup

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
The numbers and locations for this pet need to be updated. Alliance 97 Level Warlock, could not see Lion's Landing, and the small islands between JF and KW's would show pets when on the KW beach, but when you went there, the pets phazed ... more than likely that "island" belongs to JF, not KW on the maps, is my guess. Unless, there is an issue with Lion's Landing ... and this is the first time I have not seen it ... the map numbers are incorrect. Suggesting a "removal" of information
Followed a previous tip and it seemed to work. Found the Mom with 2 pups on one of the islands shown. Beat the pups and forfeited the battle and left the mom. Walked away and came back to 2 more pups. Same thing, walked away and came back and 2 more pups, one a rare. To be fair, I should have beaten the mom also to see if it made a difference. Maybe they would have come back at the same speed.
When Lions Landing/(horde equivalent) is phased, you can not see the companion to capture in Krasarang or Jade Forest.
If this does drop as a secondary in Valley of Four Winds, it is extremely rare and is not worth your time. This WILL drop as a secondary much more frequently off Jungle Grubs in Krasarang Wilds at around Crane Wing Refuge ( TomTom: Â /way 43.31 33.37 Â )
The pups are with their mums as primaries along the beach approx 86,8
I couldn't find one on the islands everyone mentions, so I just started battling every pet in the KW. Found one as a secondary on the fifth attempt. Uncommon.
I had the issue of them phasing out as well. I switched to a character who had not started the Lion's Landing quest line and was able to find them on the beach. They are phased out if you have started it.
Found 2 pups Just now as secondaries to a Amethyst Spiderling. Found in the krasarang Wilds Just Under the Shelf
39/87.... a mom and two pups... on the islands between Jade Forest and Karasang Wilds.
Ok so I found the two pups and the adult. on the beach (Karasang ) Â BUT as soon as I get to close they dissapear.... I cant get close enough for the paw icon to go green. Â WT ???? Â has anyone else had this happen ?
Found rare as a secondary to a Jungle Grub at the Incursion (inside the camp itself). Also note: those who have done the Lion's Landing questline are clearly phased -- whenever you enter the area all battle pets disappear. I saw some otters and pups when flying from Jade Forest, but the moment my location changed to Krasarang Wilds / Lion's Landing, all pets disappeared... Oh, and I don't believe it ever appears as secondary in Valley of the Four Winds.
I couldn't find One of these pups, read the comments and tried the island.. I found the mother with two pups. I got an uncommon first try.. So try here at (38/87)Â Checked the other pup and it was green too!
I was in dispair of ever finding this one as a rare. So, I went to the little islands between the Jade Forest and Krasrang Cove. There I found a Mom and a pup. So I figured I would take on the pup and just wait for the respawn since the mom was still up. With luck, the pup was a rare. So might want to look for the mom here w/ just take on the pups.
I got mine, a poor, as a second to a sifang otter rare right next to Succula - the giant spider in The Heartland (51,27) at the gilded fan. the coords for the otter are (52,27). i saw several others, all poor quality, as adds when battling everything at the gilded fan.
i think this must be my most hated pet to catch as a rare maybe casue im stubborn after 2 weeks i found one had to exit match to heal pets and a dam add came up and killed it, i went thru every pet in ks wilds and did not find another rare, they are ery hard to get, and come as a secondary to all of the wild pets there as well, if you kill the pet upon exit the respawn timer on the pets is pretty fast
All the comments about the Jungle Grub out in Zhu's Province are good. I just got a poor and the achieve due to the great advice. Thanks all :)
Thanks for the info! Got one as a secondary to the first jungle grub I clicked on in Krasarang Wilds.
Found one of these around Zhu Province in Krasarang Wild as a secondary with a Jungle Grub. Poor quality but it got me my Pandaria Safari achieve :)
Just found one of these in Karasong wilds. Right on the edge of the forest near the wall of the dread wastes. It was mixed with a Jungle grub but there was the grub and 2 otter pups. one poor and one uncommon.
Found on Kilrogg at 3:40 am ST. Good luck all my fellow pet collectors
I couldn't find one anywhere, where the add on was telling me they'd be, so I decided to leave it alone, continue on (had my fill of camping these days, just got my baby ape, lol) And found a rare as a 2nd on a Jungle grub in Krasarang wilds!
Finally found one of these I could tame!! None in Valley of the four winds, and I couldn't find any in Krasarang, even as 2nd/3rds. I did see some around Lions Landing, but as soon as I landed they disappeared :(
38:87 Paw'don glade, Jade Forest. On one of the islands near the boats, a small group of 2 otters and 2 otter pups.
Its common but I really don't care at this point!!