Sea Calf

Sea Calf
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Reputation grinding required.
Fishing required.
Fishing required.
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
This pet is only purchasable from Nat Pagle at a level 3 Fishing Shack. Players must have the Good Friends reputation with Nat Pagle in order to buy the Sea Calf.
The Fishing Shack can be built and unlocked at level 94. Upgrading it to level 3 requires the achievement "Draenor Angler" and a level 3 garrison.
Once the Fishing Shack is level 3, players must recruit Nat Pagle as a follower through a short quest chain. After he becomes a follower, assigning him to "work" at the Fishing Shack will allow players to catch Lunker-fish without the aid of a special lure.
To earn Nat's Lucky Coin (and reputation with Pagle), players will need to fish for special fish called Lunkers. Turning these in will reward friendship with Nat Pagle as well as one coin each turn in.
The Fishing Shack can be built and unlocked at level 94. Upgrading it to level 3 requires the achievement "Draenor Angler" and a level 3 garrison.
Once the Fishing Shack is level 3, players must recruit Nat Pagle as a follower through a short quest chain. After he becomes a follower, assigning him to "work" at the Fishing Shack will allow players to catch Lunker-fish without the aid of a special lure.
To earn Nat's Lucky Coin (and reputation with Pagle), players will need to fish for special fish called Lunkers. Turning these in will reward friendship with Nat Pagle as well as one coin each turn in.
Level 0:

1-9 of 9
1-9 of 9

Finally got this pet today. Just fished up and down the east coast of Spires of Arak to get the 50 lunkers. Took some advice from the Wowhead comments, and focused on pools vs. open sea fishing. With a Tentacled Hat + Ephemeral Fishing Pole + Worm Supreme + Fishing enchant to gloves, had 1105 fishing. Averaged about a 7% fish rate on the lunkers.
I agree with last comment, it is too small! What is with blizzard ruining otherwise cute pets by making them soooo teeny tiny? I really don't like that, it is pretty disappointing.
Finally got her in a trade ^.^ - thanks to Guccimane! <3
My only issue with this pet is her size - way too tiny for a sea calf even tho in Nature the males tend to be the bigger ones...still would be nice to have the sea calf a bit bigger upon summoning. Just a tip if you can't seem to find one on your server, the Brazilian server, Azralon, seems to have at least 7 up at any one time. So far I have seen 4 different breeds: P/B, B/B, S/B, H/B
Anyone know if you can visit a garrison with Nat Pagle and have the option to interact with him to buy the pet?
NOTE of CORRECTION: Oh, I see that the currency used are coins from Nat Pagle...nm! :D
CONFIRMED: Pet finally available with the release of Patch 6.1
I confirmed this by copying my fishing character over to the patch 6.1 PTR and when I checked what Nat was selling, there it was! So it looks like the bug that kept this pet from showing up is finally fixed! =)
The Sea Calf initailly showed up for sale from Nat Pagle but has since disappeared from his available items. I'm submitting this as a bug to the WoW devs.
Working on fishing more lunkers to purchase extras - will post how many will be available for trade soon.
Same problem here. Dont know if its a bug or if it need to be unlocked . . .
The notes here say that it sold by Nat Pagle in the garrison, but it's not currently for sale. I've unlocked the level 3 fishing shack and can buy everything else he's supposed to sell (drinking hat, draenic fishing pole, land shark pet, fishing journal, crimson water strider mount), but this isn't showing up. Wowhead doesn't list how to obtain it either.
[Edit: pet available as of 6.1]