Kuitan Mongoose

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-7 of 7
1-7 of 7

Slowest of the Mongoose family, still plenty fast. It does sport a lot more health than the others but it's top speed(325) is slightly too slow to be excellent at Death Adder hunting. Still if you instead make good use of Screech and Surge you can do some good work. Sadly you will miss the avoidance from Dive. This pet probably requires a slightly different play style than the other two Mongoose pets. Not a bad pet in general.
Found a rare on Sra'vess, they do exist! I farmed this guy for about two days and he does not come as a secondary pet.
Found mine in The Underbough. Not a rare, but stll nice to see.
I found one south of Longying Outpost, just outside the walls.
Curious if anyone has gotten one of these as an add. I've been battling all over the zone to level my pets, and I've yet to see a single Kuitan add on. I've managed to battle a number of these as primaries, mostly around the Gao Ran Battlefront and Sra'vess... I've only seen 1 green; all of the others have been poor quality.
Last one I needed for Pandaria Safari and was getting on my nurves lol with very little help but I FOUND HIM!!!!! Just north of Gao-Ran Battlefront soooo happy!! thought I would post since there is really no posts about him. Hope hes here and this helps for others!
Just saw my first one just north of the Gao-Ran Battlefront in Townlong Steppes. So cute!
Hope I can find one again when I get my troupe of pets up high enough!