Mirror Strider

Looks around and Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

Caught one of these today a rare one , they seem pretty cool will deffo be trying him out to see his strengths / weakness :)
I was sitting around pearlfin village, waiting for my girlfriend to turn in a quest when I got two of these in a row, nice looking guys and decent stats!
got an uncommon in pearlfin at 56.82
My favorite pet to use against elementals. The pump skill kicks ass.
Just caught a rare one today along the river. So cute! 4:30 server time and they're relatively common along the water.
Its so cute. I just caught a rare one today at 00:28 server time it was lvl 24 and had around 1140 health as I recall. It was a secondary pet to the dragon hatchlings around The Arboretum. It's so cute and will go well with my mount from the Anglers (once i've acquired that)
Happy hunting guys!
- Seph ❤
I spent a day farming to get a rare one of these. It is possible don't give up! It DOES change color when summoned to red or yellow. You can go up & down the river & see a few of these but the best way in my opinion is to go up/down the river & battle all you can find because you will see this more often as a sidepet, that is how I eventually got mine. I have seen this show up as a side pet on everything in jade forest (no as often)-not just beside the river also. Hope this helps!
Follow the Slicky Stream from Grookin Hill to Sepeant's Heart in the Jade Forest. You'll find red ones and yellow ones. To my knowledge, these do not change color when summoned.