Eternal Strider

Looks around and Idles about.
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3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: November 27, 2012

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I love my P/P Emperor and Spirebound Crabs and was trying to convince myself I didn't really need a P/S Eternal Strider for PVE. Looking at their abilities they seem to be similarly effective for most of the battles you would use either one for. Crab is much slower, but a better healer, Strider is much faster and more bursty. In the end they are different enough that I probably need them both.
This pet can almost always solo Splint Jr and Splint Jr Jr. with Cleansing Rain and Pump. It will easily break the 500 damage needed with a P/S quality. I still keep a Mud Jumper for backup but most times I don't need it.
Ported myself (mage) to Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The first Eternal Strider I found was a rare P/S breed. I had to be careful not to kill him, used Terrible Turnip and luckily caught him on my first cage. Finished off his team with PWS and Chrom. Yay!
No one has mentioned that this pet also has cleansing rain, which is team heal that also reduces dot effects. In addition, it gives +25% to aquatic abilities. So, sometimes I'll do pump > cr > pump. This combo can one-shot elementals. IF they have anything left after getting blasted by this, you can finish them off with water jet.
This is my starting pet against Farmer Nishi in Valley of the Four Winds. Eternal Strider takes out Siren and Toothbreaker easily when you know moves. Then wears down the Matthallus so I can bring in a pet to level for one move and then finish off with my Jungle Darter.
This pet with the P/S breed can usualy level most wild pet teams and still come out with 100% heath. For farmer Nishi it is a must have. I can quickly switch out 2 low level pets in that battle and finish the whole team with this pet. Then geting a large amout of XP for my low levels and the quest rewards for basicly free.
I usualy use Water Jet, Healing Wave, and Pump.
There are no words to express how much I love this pet. I use Water Jet/ Healing Wave/ Pump.
It is very strong, and can very easily solo many wild pet battles due to healing wave. You can also farm for rares much quicker with this pet. Healing wave before forfieting ensureing you are always at 90% HP.
This pet found it's way into my party by accident as I had no high level pets at the time. Now I have experienced the power, there is no way it is leaving.
No one had mentioned this is the only strider in a P/S breed, and for that reason, its my favorite, it can very easily solo Farmer Nishi, making it very easy to power lvl a 2nd pet.
I have spent the last half an hour going up and down the river that starts at whitepetal lake - travelling right down to the pool right at the end. Loads of groups of them spawn and fast respawn time, I travelled up and down maybe 5 times checking all the groups, captured a rare dancing water skimmer and Yellow bellied bullfrog before finally getting a rare one of these :)
got an uncommon battling pets behind the pet battle lady in the vale by the water.
Blue in the river level 25 after battle lvl 23
before 1220 hp/257 attack/305 speed after 1356/hp 236 attack/281 speed
second blue 1175hp/246attack/293 speed lvl 25 after 1301 hp/226attack/269 speed lvl 23
good hunting all
A group of 3 spawn at the lakes edge right next the battle master. I thought my addons were bugging on me when I moused over it and saw that I did not have this variety.
There is a large cluster of about 6-10 by Zen Master Aki, however you can't tell by looking at them because their pet icon doesn't show up when they're in the water. This might be a glitch but be aware of it. It'll show up on your map, but not infront of you. :)
I found 3 in the river in the vale but didnt catch the one i fought because a rare Golden Civit spawned as a second pet.
I found mine in the Vale near the pet trainer there - happy hunting! I think they're another one of those pets that spawn in a cluster, so keeping one up and waiting for respawns might be the best way to farm them.
Spawns in between the lakes where the horde and ali base are in two moons at most water areas, rare are hard tocome by :(
Found near where tidehunter spawns in vale near lake.