Elusive Skimmer

Looks around and Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Level 0:

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

An aquatic pet with critter attacks. Very good for battling Undead. I'm using a S/S breed myself for dailies and dungeons, but I'm wondering if I should go for one with more of a punch. As is, running Scratch, Stampede, and Whirlpool. Stampede/Scratch kills most Undead stuff, and you can set up a Whirlpool on their invulnĀ turn if you don't want to switch.
Does this come in Rare? I've not seen one yet, and I've been looking for a bit.
*Edit - Did finally find one. I'm not sure if they are rediculously rare or I'm just that unlucky.
yep, got as secondary with glutter bleeder as well. All the ones I could find in the wild were ontop of water so got the "area obstructed" message.
Found as secondary to Sticky Oozeling in Nazmir, in the Shoaljai Tar Pits area.
EDIT: Also spotted as Primary in Nazmir, in the Zul'Jan Ruins area!
I found this pet as a secondary pet to a Glutted Bleeder found in Nazmir, Zandalar. More specifically, in the lower mid section of the region called "Heart of Darkness" at the top of the pyramid shape on your map, in the red waterway. I decided on the P/S breed having 289 power and 289 speed.