
Gahz'rooki's Summoning Stone
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about and occasionally its heads fight with each other.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.3.0 | Posted: May 21, 2013
This pet was originally implemented during a 5.3 patch world event, Battlefield Barrens. The Darkspear Quartermaster sold Gahz'rooki for one Radical Mojo.
As of Patch 5.4 the world event and quartermaster was removed. However, the mobs introduced with Battlefield Barrens remained. Players now have a chance of looting Gahz'rooki from the Kor'kron orcs in Northern Barrens.
As of Patch 5.4 the world event and quartermaster was removed. However, the mobs introduced with Battlefield Barrens remained. Players now have a chance of looting Gahz'rooki from the Kor'kron orcs in Northern Barrens.
Level 0:

After about 500 Kor'kron Butcher kills Gahz'rooki's Summoning Stone dropped. Northern Barrens, 43:47, NW of the Crossroads.
Still drops in Dragonflight - but only by Crossroads locations not NW. Got it after about 3 hours of farming off Kokron Butcher.
Tried going to the top left corner of the Northern Barrens, spent around 10 minutes killing everything and got nothing. Went to the spot near the Crossroads, killed ONE Outrider and got the pet.
In case anyone is having trouble finding the pet as I did, I asked around a bit and, apparently, the Shadowlands level scaling messed up the loot tables of some mobs.
Check what drops from them after you kill them. If a mob is dropping linen or wool instead of windwool, the pet no longer drops from them. This makes Kor'kron Butchers the most reliable way to get these pets for the time being.
Just got this guy from kor'kron butcher at 41,52. after 25 attempts.. came here right after to see how rare it was. =)
Got mine on 01/24/21 from a Kor'kron Butcher around 44, 51 in Northern Barrens. Took me appx 2 hours in that area.
Does anyone know if this still drops - tried both the areas in North of Northern Barrens - after 10,000 kills no drop.
Since the entry says they drop from Laborers, Marauders, and Engineers I didn't bother killing anything but Orcs. After about 300-400 kills I accidently targeted a Mercenary Shredder bot and killed it ... got the pet :) Go figure. So kill the shredders as well when you're up there.
Just went up to NE Barrens to farm him, got him within the first minute. I was just AoE'ing every mob so don't know which dropped it. Probably got a little lucky, but I suspect the drop rate is high enough that there's no point in buying this guy for thousands of gold on the AH, just farm him.
took me 3395 kills................................................. yeah.
Go here
Got one after the 718th kill and mine dropped off of a Kor'kron Marauder.
Excellent location, top left Northern Barrens! I went there, expecting to spend a good 45 minutes - 1 hour; found a rare in less than 10 minutes!
As Majorcuff mentioned below, "I had it drop off a Hellscream Laborer up in way top left of North Barrens.I also got a 24 slot bag drop to." Same for me got the bag first and eventually the pet, took maybe 30-45 min. April 11, 2015.
Can you still get this guy? Been farming LOTS and killed so many damn mobs and nothing. Maybe just bad luck?
Perfect, thanks for the info. Guess i just am unlucky lol, will have to go farming again :) Im loving the 3 headed pets
I managed to get it after only maybe twenty kills! I thought that that was the norm at first so I started to farm some more in the hopes of getting one for a friend, but after awhile I realised that apparently twenty kills wasn't the norm. Still, glad I got one!
Ghaz'rooki is the second most powerful aquatic pet. Able to heal himself while dealing out substantial damage puts him in a wonderful spot to counter enemy elementals. The sea pony is a stronger choice for the same role.
I can confirm as of 10/22/14 , I had it drop off a Hellscream Laborer up in way top left of North Barrens. I was grinding these and Kor'Kron Maurauders for about a hour to a hour and 1/2 and it dropped. I also got a 24 slot bag drop to.
I've been checking AH for this pet for the past few weeks, consistenly finding it at around 3kg or so (a price at which I would rather farm the pet because I'm a cheapskate >m>) However, today one popped up for 850g! I didn't hesitate to snatch it up and save myself hours of mindless farming. Very cool-looking pet, and bigger than I expected. (love using the magical bisuit on him! He gets huge)
They are now a drop from killing Kor'Kron mobs according to the posts I read.
This pet appears to have become a rare drop in the barrens, and is no longer purchasable as of patch 5.4
Sad face.