Spotted Bell Frog

Catches flies and jumps.
Vocalizations (while moving)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

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1-9 of 9

My lucky day! Got a rare Spotted Bell Frog first try by the Ranvesaur trainer, Mor Vek near the stream. Yep, thanks to the previous poster who suggested the streams near the Tanaris border. Emerald boa, long tail mole, then the Bell Frog. Easy to tame with my Son of Anamis pet. I'm so happy XD
After spending hours looking for a rare Spotted Bell Frog I finally found one (it was the primary battle pet.) My pets were low on health, so I forfeited the match to heal up before the tame. As soon as I exited the match, a Ravasaur ran up to it and killed it. I have since spent many more hours looking for one without any luck.
Here is a warning for everyone hunting the rare Spotted Bell Frog: the Ravasaurs will kill these little guys, so I would suggest clearing out the area before you start taming.
It was easier to get my rare Diemetrodon than it has been to find a rare one of these little goobers. I've fought every battle pet in Un'goro that I could find. Seems the more I fought the fewer Bell Frogs re-spawned. They still were coming rarely as secondaries. Found 3 wild pets that I could not battle. One Tree Python was obstructed no matter where I stood. Another was spawned inside and island. Then a Bell Frog that spawned underground. I'm sure that one is a rare. lol
spent a couple hours looking for a rare last night ( Thrall)...found many as seconds to the snakes around the water but all were poor or common. Â Found rare as primary but killed it on accident...and cussed :0...finally found the second rare this morning as a primary him this time!! :)
Got several ucommons and two rare drops as secondaries from Ash Lizards in Ungoro crater.
Did not find many of these up, sometimes as secondaries. All were poor or common
Found a bunch of them by the streams near tanaris. Managed to capture a rare first time, seemed pretty easy, even using my Jubling pet. [Think this is just my good luck seeing as frog's are my fave animal]
Follow all the water and streams on the east side of the zone (by Tanaris zone) they are on the shore of the streams or actually in the water, not rare spawns but so far about 15 fights and not one pet over poor, wow this is going to be hard to find a rare on this baby.
captured this little guy while going after the diamedrons (spelling). he had more life then the others and i already had a dia. turned out to be an uncommon, level 15 at over 700 life. it was called in to fight. good luck