Mud Jumper

Catches flies and jumps.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
Normally found near inland water.

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

Only Comes in B/B and H/B.
I challenge everyone to take out a team of Mud Jumpers and Swamp Croakers and see what you can do with them. You can defeat many garrison dailies with this team. The combo of aquatic and critter abilities makes them quite versatile. Use Swarm of Flies, Bubble, and whichever attack is best for the situation in the first slot. This team can beat many, many foes.
Going to have to see how this little guy fares against undead pets. I can see him getting through Graves's life a little bit and then canceling out the skull tosses with the two layers of bubble.
Can anyone confirm if this pet also comes in a pinkish color? I was out doing wild battles in Talador when one that appeared to be pinkish instead of greenish was a 2nd to a Red-Tailed Chipmunk. (I had already killed the primary & had 3 in my pet journal so I could not capture it to see if it was a unique color.)
McFly is my go-to Frog/Toad. He's an H/B and is a consistent winner with power and stamina. I have an S/S Leopard Tree Frog but that guy gets 1-shotted and lacks the power of this guy. Definitely a winner.