
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Catches flies and jumps.
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Vocalizations (on-click and while moving)
Players who emote /kiss while targeting Mojo will be temporarily turned into a frog.

Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss Mojo!
This pet drops in the Zul'Aman instance as a result of removing hexes upon Zul'Aman Forest Frogs using the Amani Hex Stick. Roughly 1 in 50 hexes removed will yield Mojo. The player using the Hex Stick is the one that will receive Mojo, so if you're farming for this pet, be sure you're the one removing the hexes.
Mojo will respond to a /kiss emote by whispering an alluring comment (8 possible whispers) and the player will be polymorphed into a random frog for 15 seconds. A love-struck Mojo will then follow the polymorphed player.
On January 27 2008, a bug enabled characters of any level to obtain Mojo upon doing a /kiss emote to Prigmon. The bug was hotfixed a few hours later on the same day, however characters who received Mojo in this manner were allowed to keep him.

The drop rate for the hex sticks and getting Mojo must have been seriously nerfed since 2015, or I have had the worst luck ever. This last time I cleared the entire dungeon and only got six sticks. Considering the time investment to keep repeating the dungeon to get sticks and then use them on frogs, I finally gave up and payed 7000g to stop hunting for Mojo.
This is easily solo'd now. Tip -clear the dungeon...I had several hex things drop and got my Mojo plus one for the auction house. You can not have one in your bag and get another in the same trip, so you need learn them before trying a stick on another frog in the same instance (learned that by losing the third one) Happy farming :)
I'm confused by the April 2011 announcement about Blizzard making this dungeon a lvl 85 heroic 5-man - Can a lvl 90 (IL526) run this solo? As you can probably tell, I dont run dungeons often!
My lucky day in wow, ran this with my bf, on very first run, got it with my second stick. as well as the hyacinth macaw today not even trying. Yippee!!
So: 1) buy several Amani sticks from AH, 2) open the gate and run away from the two big guardians, 3) drink invisibility potion and run in the middle of those two and up to the lake, while fighting weaker savages, 4) use sticks on frogs!
Alternatively if you win sticks you don't need you can post them to the AH for those that do.
Also there are some trolls that respawn even if you don't leave the instance, so they were pretty awesome to farm.
Good Luck! The netherweave sells pretty well too.
Heluna- 85 Hunter
If anyone is waiting on getting this little gem, you might want to try to get him before the heroic patch. He might become a thing of legend soon.