
Catches flies and jumps.
Vocalizations (on-click and while moving)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

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soooo.... where else can you find this pet? you need it for kalimdor safari. but it says the only place you can find it is in northrend. im trying to figure this out.
I came up against this in a PvP pet battle today, they cast kiss 12 times in a row and it turned me into a frog 12 times in a row.. Not sure if broken?
An effective pet agains the Unborn Val'kyr. As an Aquatic pet, it takes reduced damage from Undead, and it has 2 Critter attacks (Tongue Lash and Swarm of Flies) which do extra damage to Undead, and Tongue Lash can be used every round. Plus it has 2 hels in the third slot, and the H/P build has 1704 health at level 25.
The only frog/toad available in a P/S build, so I say go for one of those if you can.
As usual for frogs, this guy makes a great counter to undeads, with its Aquatic resistance, Critter attacks, and a heal that gives it something worthwhile to do during that turn when the Undead pet is immortal just before it keels over.
Should be fun trying to complete Kalimdor safari then lol
was fighting for a rare near the flight path at River's Heart when I got ganked. Why can pvp target you during pet battle when pve can't?Â
Edit: I found another rare on top of the cliff right above the flight path right after I rezzed. Still pissed though.
Thumbs up to Saphenous & Ladihawke73 i went to Wildgrowth Mangal first one i found was a rare. Coordinates to were he was 45.5 - 58.4. I,m done with all the pets here :d off to the next zone wish everyone else looking for him the best of luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.
Thank you so much Ladihawke73 I did exactaly what you said. I went to Sholazar Basin, near where you get your oricle egg. Right in the wildgrowth, the first biletoad I found was rare. WAY POINT 45, 52
I believe the rumors of this being in Northern Barrens or Wailing Caverns was started by a particularly mischievious GM. Or at least my thought. Have spent hours around the oases in barrens and in wailing caverns and not seen one to combat and catch. Killed plenty toward my guild's critter kill count though for revenge.
rare hopped right into my pet collection!!!
got an uncommon first toad, in the wildgrowth in scholzar.
i find it odd t hat it counts toward the achieve for kalimdor since its on another continent lol...oh well :) got one thats what matters.
If you guys are going for Kailmor Safari Achievement, catching one in Sholzar Basin does count towards it :)
Never found these anywhere besides in the basin. Was trying to get theÂ
Stunted Shardhorn pet but did another battle and this was a second, lucky enough it was a rare!ÂCan be found in and around River's Heart in Scholazar Basin - didn't find any while in the Wailing caverns
After wasting time searching all over Wailing Caverns and the Northern Barrens I researched this toad and agree with the others that it would appear there are none you can interact with in either area. I'll get one when I get to another zone.
Just wanted to confirm that I am not able to find any of these to battle with in Northern Barrens.
It appears those in Northern Barrens and Wailing Caverns are not combatable or capturable. Â I have seen many of them but none of them ever showed a green paw icon. I think you need to go to Scholazar Basin if you want to combat this toad.