Tiny White Carp

Tiny White Carp
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Floats about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Fishing required.
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.2.0 | Posted: March 5, 2013
There are a total of four Tiny Carp that can be fished up in Pandaria:
The Tiny White Carp can be fished up from Giant Mantis Shrimp Swarms, Reef Octopus Swarms, and Tiger Gourami Schools. Additionally, it can be caught by casting into the Fish of the Day in the Dread Wastes, Kun-Lai Summit, and The Jade Forest.
Another way to obtain this pet is by fishing in open water, mainly on the coast of most zones. For inland open water fishing, head to Kun-Lai Summit or The Veiled Stair.
For more information on how to catch these aquatic pets, check out El's guide.
- Tiny Blue Carp
- Tiny Green Carp
- Tiny Red Carp
- Tiny White Carp
The Tiny White Carp can be fished up from Giant Mantis Shrimp Swarms, Reef Octopus Swarms, and Tiger Gourami Schools. Additionally, it can be caught by casting into the Fish of the Day in the Dread Wastes, Kun-Lai Summit, and The Jade Forest.
Another way to obtain this pet is by fishing in open water, mainly on the coast of most zones. For inland open water fishing, head to Kun-Lai Summit or The Veiled Stair.
For more information on how to catch these aquatic pets, check out El's guide.
Level 0:

Got a Tiny White Carp after 1,168 casts, fished over a few lazy evenings at Shado-Pan Monastery. Fishing max level, used Pandaren charm. Having a raft (Angler rep) sure made it easier. Good luck!
I was determined to get this pet today (for myself) after finding out the price had gone up to 100,000 gold on my server! I hope tiger gourami are worth somthing on the AH cuz I now have over 2000 of them... but the Tiny White Carp is mine!...all mine!!!
p.s. I got it at the Shado-pan Monstrosity, and looting 2000 fish + Sealed creates takes all day with few breaks! HECKOFAGRIND
I have recently started fishing for this Carp again for a friend of mine, but I am running into loot issues while fishing it at the Monastery. Please be mindful of this if you're out for it as of 7.0 Pre-patch. I spotted it last night in one of my loot windows, only to have my dreams crused by an error message "You're not able to loot that yet." who promptly removed the loot window :(
Finally got mine today with two days of dedicated fishing at the monestary. 678 casts with fishing skill at 900 (Emphemeral pole + Tentacled hat).....still waiting on my Tiny Red Carp. 1098 casts and counting at Inkgill Mere.
Caught mine within 5 minutes of starting at the Shado-Pan Monastary, fishing in Tiger Gourami pools, standing on the ice floes.
I'd tried one evening before for maybe 10 minutes, before going to bed, so total time invested was maybe 15 minutes, although it was apparently a lucky catch,
My first catch and it caught me off guard since it happened so quickly.
My fishing skill is 889 buffed (fishing rod, hat, special fishing line) but I don't have the Pandaren Fishing Charm on this (my main) character).
I caught "Moby" during a random stop to fish in a pool (Krasarang?). I debated selling him, considering the rate on the AH at the time, but guildmates encouraged me to keep him, and I'm so glad!
Just got this little guy while fishing from a Giant Mantis Shrip pool on Timeless Isle. Although this dropped from the first pool I'd fished today, I have been actively levelling fishing for the last few months and this is the first carp I've come across. Definetely a pet that requires patience :)
Whisperwind Server, around 5:05pm. Pretty sure I REALLY lucked out!
Only took me about 10 casts. I was in the little pool under the "R" in Peaks of Serenity fishing the Tiger Guorami pools. Fished up a "Flying Tiger Guorami" on my first cast. Perhaps the fact that it's empty and not fished much has something to do with it I don't know but I hope it helps someone else! :)
Caught mine today at 33.25, 44.51 Kun-Lai Summit outside of the Shado-Pan Monastary.
Caught at 1:22am PST in a tiger gourami school and it was the fish of the day.
ETA- My fishing is at 582. I had the default (stick) fishing pole and no lures, hat, charm etc. based on my bag-It was around my 30th cast today. I'd fished a little for it yesterday.
Got mine today on AH for 500g! Ive never clicked buy so quickly!
I got mine today at Garrosh'ar Point in the Jade Forest from a Shrimp pool while trying to catch a mimic octopus. I have fished probably 7 million jade lungfish trying to get the green carp in that area and here it turns out a get a while one just because I was trying to get some rep with Nat Pagle. So weird.
Just about to start farming this tiny little one. Got the Charm, Kalu' ak fishing pole and Weather-Beaten fishing hat. Fishing in the Isle of Giants both pools and open water. Lets hope for the best!
After like 30mins I moved from the Isle to Kun-Lai, I fished a bit @ the Shado-Pan Monastery (really few casts) and then, thanx to a comment I read on the wow forum I moved to the small lake SE the Temple of the White Tigers and I got lucky =D White Carp after not even 10 mins! (no pools)
Fished mine up at Shado-Pan Monastery in a Tiger Gourami pool on the day it was "fish of the day". Took about 300 catches with 600 fishing level and default pole.
Just got mine from the Reef Octopus fish of the day off of Sri-La Village. Had only been fishing for about 15 minutes, a total surprise when I saw it in my bag! Fishing level is 600, was using the Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat, Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole, Bright Bauble, & the Ancient Pandaren Fishing Charm. I don't do fishing much so when I do I go 'loaded for bear' so I get the most out of it. :). FYI thought is was odd but in my bag it listed it as Common quality but once I learned it changed to Rare.
Off the coast of Krasarang, west of Angler's Wharf in a Mantis Shrimp school. I just used the default pole with no bonuses (though my skill is 600) and some time. But I'm glad I didn't go for the fishing spot of the day. Those were all spinefish. Seems they don't share space with Tiny Carps. :)
1991 cast... no whitey yet
skill @ 785
one day it will happen. Ive caught the rest of her friends...
The Jade Forest- Sri-La Village: Fish of the day pools.
Caught this little guy with a 630 fishing skill and within 265 casts. Fishing takes patience my friends, so keep your heads up if you don't get it within 100 casts or less, this cutie will be yours before you know it! Happy Hunting! :-D
Proudmoore server, 931 PST, outside the ShadoPan Monestary. Tiger Gourami pools, regular pole no buffs.... no for that lil red booger.... X/
In Kun-Lai Summit, Fished from a Tiger gourami pool, fishing at lvl 258 and using the default pole. No idea how many casts i just fish every so often while in Q.
This is how I found out you dont need to be maxed fishing to get these pets.
This is the first of the carp pets that I've fished up. This came up on a fish of the day pool in The Jade Forest outside Sri-La Village. Nothing special equipped. Basic pole, no Ancient Pandaren Fishing charm since I don't have one yet. No lures, etc. It came as a secondary fish to a Reef Octopus. Less than 100 casts, based on the fact that I came away with 87 Octopus and a few crates. Good luck to all!