Tiny Green Carp

Tiny Green Carp
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Floats about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Fishing required.
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.2.0 | Posted: March 5, 2013
There are a total of four Tiny Carp that can be fished up in Pandaria:
The Tiny Green Carp can be fished up from Emperor Salmon Schools, Jade Lungfish Schools, and Krasarang Paddlefish Schools. Additionally, it can be caught by casting into the Fish of the Day in the Krasarang Wilds, The Jade Forest, and Valley of the Four Winds.
Another way to obtain this pet is by fishing from inland open water in Krasarang Wilds, The Jade Forest, and Valley of the Four Winds.
For more information on how to catch these aquatic pets, check out El's guide.
- Tiny Blue Carp
- Tiny Green Carp
- Tiny Red Carp
- Tiny White Carp
The Tiny Green Carp can be fished up from Emperor Salmon Schools, Jade Lungfish Schools, and Krasarang Paddlefish Schools. Additionally, it can be caught by casting into the Fish of the Day in the Krasarang Wilds, The Jade Forest, and Valley of the Four Winds.
Another way to obtain this pet is by fishing from inland open water in Krasarang Wilds, The Jade Forest, and Valley of the Four Winds.
For more information on how to catch these aquatic pets, check out El's guide.
Level 0:

Found mine at (57, 42) at The Arboretum, in The Jade Forest. :)
I got this pet fishing Emperor Salmon at the pool in Paoquan Hollow (the extreme NW of the Valley of the Four Winds).
Got this little lovely one in my fourth attempt :D
Got two in less than 10 minutes two differnt pools
I caught this lil guy in an emperor salmon pool near the brewery as well. 193 casts in, first day farming. My fishing level was 580 and I had the Pandaren Fishing Charm. I caught this as a secondary fish off of the emporer salmon.
This is the only pet that has this ability. At the end of Two rounds after activated, you will be unattackable for 1 round, 4 round cooldown. So this makes you unattackable 20% of the time, giving your enemy 2 round notification of what you are doing.
This ability is available on 5 pets. Ability always goes first, blocks all attacks for that round 3 round cooldown.
Make sense to anyone?
While I am in fact a huge fisher. I found this guy on the Auction House for very cheap! And I managed to snatch him up :). He's quickly sky rocketed to one of my top 5 favorite pets for his cuteness and rareness and he's actually been a really big help when it comes to pet battles as well. Being able to stack whirlpool Cleansing Rain and Water Jet creates a pet that can really lay the smack down when it comes to battle in just a few turns. Glad he's mine!
I just fished one up right next to "Ben of the Booming Voice", The fishing trainer on the river due north of Halfhill.
Fished mine up in Krasarang Wilds while doing my dailies there. Loc 62.42, 20.94 wasn't really trying for it and fished up a Flying Tiger Gourami for the Nat Pagle quest turn in with the Tiny Green Carp so it was a really good cast :)
I was under the impression this would be in a sealed crate but it just popped into my bags. Also, it was in open water, not a pool. Good luck!
I was pretty lucky with this tiny fellow as I wasnt really looking for it. It took me less than an hour and, as strange as it could be, I got it while fishing in Fields of Niuzao, Townlong Steppes. I say strange because, based on Wowhead and El's guide, Fields of Niuzao is not listend as a "dropping spot. But it happened to me! I think I was luck with this one, and something that I learn is that you dont have to expect anything, the more you expect, the less you get. No charm/lure/hat, 600skill.
I followed Horaha's advice since my base fishing level is 575. I checked with Ben of the Booming voice. I used my hat, lure and Pandaran fishing charm. I got 2 in 45 minutes from Jade Lungfish pools. I also got one the other day, same thing, checked with Ben and fished pools near Stormstout Brewery as he directed. Only wish I got another color today.
Got mine while farming Emperor Salmon for Buff Food in Valley of the Four Winds. Definitelly in a pool, just had two items to loot: the Salmon and the Carp. No special fishing pol, no pol at all to be precise. Fishing skill 600.
I suppose I was lucky. 40th fish or so had it.
Unfortunatelly it is marked as B/B while my Journal claims it's only available in B/S (or S/B, not sure)
Not so lucky with the blue one...
I know people like to speculate on how much fishing skill and equipment have to do with catching the good stuff so I thought I'd add my bit. I caught the tiny green carp with a fishing skill of under 100 and don't even own a fishing pole or any other equipment. Then at around 100 fishing skill I fish up the sea turtle mount for the achy "turtles all the way down" Got the tiny blue carp at fishing skill 132, still trying for red and white. It would seem luck plays the biggest role, so...good luck all.
I can't quite be sure from the comments... Can these fish only be caught in pools of other fish? Or can they be caught stand-alone, so I don't have to fly from spot to spot? Thanks!
Just picked this up on my AH for 82 gold. Pretty sure person selling had no idea of its value.
First cast ever in The Jade Forest and there it was. Took me a moment to realise what had just happened.
Blump family fishing pole ftw
Found tiny green carp in Vale of Eternal Blossoms in emperor salmon pool. Am I the only one to get one in that zone?
As far as strategies for trying to fish up all four of the tiny carp: Is there a method I should follow? Or have we collectors not quite figured out the system yet?.
And now I guess I will quit fishing for other carp! If can be traded, then the luster is gone.
I caught this guy at the "fish area of the day" which was Krasari Falls (Krasarang Wilds). Having set myself up for the long haul, I was pleasantly surprised to have him as a secondary on my 193rd fish. :)
Arcanite Fishing Pole with Eternium Line + Nat's Hat and lure + Ancient Pandaren Fishing Charm used. Fished only in the pools spawning.
Tiny Green Carp can be found in:
Check with Ben of the Booming Voice for fish of the day pools
Have fun and good luck :)
Caught this little guy at that little pond near niuzao temple from open water. I was there to try and catch the illusive blue one but that's ok, just wish it hadn't taken a week and over 200 stacks of fish and numerous sealed crates! Gear used, Panda fishing charm, weather beaten hat, nat boots, +2 on gloves, lager, heat treated spinning lure, tuskarr spear, Kalu'ak rod for a total 812 fishing. With this amount I should have been able to fish up the Loch Nes!