Purple Puffer

Purple Puffer
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Hovers about in its bubble.
Splashing (on summon); vocalizations (on-click)
Trading Card Game promotion.
Loot code required.
Loot code required.
3 allowed
Patch 4.3.0 | Posted: November 29, 2011
This pet is redeemed through the common 'Bloat the Bubble Fish' loot card from the World of Warcraft Throne of the Tides TCG expansion. The card may be scratched to reveal a code allowing access to this pet. The code may be redeemed at Blizzard's promotion retrieval page. The pet may be obtained in-game from Landro Longshot in Booty Bay.
The Purple Puffer has a unique summoning animation in which the player's hands are enveloped with globes of water, and a splashing animation and noise is made upon the pet's spawning.
Level 0:

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1-19 of 19

Just in case no one said it: Surge will stop the other player from getting that possible extra hit off on you if they have a faster benefited move. It can be the saving grace vs fliers some times when you are waiting to use pump on them.
I won mine from a contest on Wowhead a couple of years ago. Looking forward to leveling him up.
I feel like this pet is highly underrated in battle. One of my favorites to use from the aquatics, very strong.
This is a pet I have been trying to buy on the AH! It would be an awesome addition to PvE and I think PvP as well.
Maybe I'll see a good deal on the AH soon, but most times its too much or not on sale
If you find this on AH get it! 325 power aquatic with excellent moveset. Only thing it is missing is some avoidance, but you get a heal instead. Pump hit VERY hard, especially on elementals. And Surge hits for alot as well when you add 10% bonus from Pump. Pair it with a Cleansing Rain user or a Jademist Dancer and your moves will be boosted even further, +25%. Hard hitter with versatility in going first or not.
One of the strongest aquatic pets in the game. Just solod Farmer Nishi in valley of the four winds.
Yes it works with Pandaria... just enter the code at the wow tcgloot.com site and fill in the appropriate info.. its pretty self explanitory once you find the site.
Hi Yáll i'm new to this and just wanted to ask if this pet will work with WOW pandaria ? ? ? have not bought a traqde card yet so how does this work ? ? ? ?
Thanks in Advance
i got it on my first pack, and then when i got some more i got it again
What a cutie, on my list! Good luck everyone and Happy New Year!!
He is a really nice battle pet vs elementals. His power/power breed 4 really makes for a nice heal and good damage as well.
But I'm with you guys, dissapointed that there is no *puffing* idle animation, and the bubble is too *solid* to really see the little guy.
Still it's utterly cute when flying and you have your fish in a bubble bobbing along :D