Ghost Shark

Ghost Shark
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Gently sways and idles about.
Reputation grinding required.
Fishing required.
Fishing required.
3 allowed
Patch 7.3.0 | Posted: August 29, 2017
This pet can be purchased from Ilyssia of the Waters in Azsuna. Players must have the Good Friend reputation with Ilyssia in order to buy Ghost Shark.
Ilyssia is but one of six new Master Fishers added in Patch 7.3; each Broken Isles zone has its own Master Fisher. They have a rotating daily spawn, so Ilyssia will not always be up.
Fragmented Enchantment is not only the currency used to purchase Ghost Shark, but can also be turned in to Ilyssia in exchange for friendship. Each Fragmented Enchantment yields 50 reputation.
Ilyssia is but one of six new Master Fishers added in Patch 7.3; each Broken Isles zone has its own Master Fisher. They have a rotating daily spawn, so Ilyssia will not always be up.
Fragmented Enchantment is not only the currency used to purchase Ghost Shark, but can also be turned in to Ilyssia in exchange for friendship. Each Fragmented Enchantment yields 50 reputation.
Level 0:

1-2 of 2
1-2 of 2

The six Fishing Masters rotate daily, but the rotation seems to vary by realm. Even if you don't see Ilyssia in Azsuna be sure to check the fishing groups in group finder.
You can only buy the Ghost Shark from Ilyssia of the Water based on her personal reputation using the currency fished specifically from the Royal Pond. Fishing with any other master won't get you closer to having this pet.
With a raid big enough to maintain the sparklies it takes roughly 2 hours of fishing.
too cute not to get... love this little guy =o)
Get him quickly while the fishing is still being done in " raids " and there are near constant rare took me 5 hours solo to get the rep needed to buy him, then i stumbled into a raid invite cross server and got enough to actually buy him in about 7 minutes...DEFINATELY faster in raids... I missed Margos Raids and doing it all the slow way is bad.... very very bad....