
Blorp's Bubble
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Fishing required.
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.2.0 | Posted: June 23, 2015
Blorp is a non-combat pet and cannot battle.
Darkmoon Daggermaw can be fished up with any fishing skill level, from anywhere along Darkmoon Island's coast.
Darkmoon Daggermaw can be fished up with any fishing skill level, from anywhere along Darkmoon Island's coast.
1-9 of 9
1-9 of 9

This fish is the derpiest derp that ever derped.
The one you purchase for 50 Daggermaw is not only unable to be put in a cage, it is unable to be released. This means that once you put it in your collection, you are stuck with it permanently or until Blizzard makes a fix.
For most folks this will not be an issue, but for those of us who are at the 1000 pet limit, it matters.
Update: I now have a 1500 pet limit, so this is no longer an issue. Except it
just sits there doing absolutely nothing.
While yet unable to battle it does offer a cat pet something to chase after. I have yet to see a Blorp get eaten yet so I am convinced that it has some means of defending itself.
Who in their right mind would want 3 pets that are not able to battle? Do they come in different colors or someting? Non-Battle pets are all well and good I guess, but 3 of the same type? Pointless effort getting 2 or even 3.
I have seen this pet being sold in the AH, so it appears that Blorp is in fact, tradeable.
Blorp is amazing. Who cares if he can't battle? He derps about in his bubble and looks adorable.
Gotta love those Bloated Threshers you get from fishing for the Daggermaws! I made 400 gold in just 2 hrs of fishing there. The Threshers give about 15-30 gold & about 5 or so Daggermaws. This pet cannot battle, but is a nice add to the collection. Fishing the pools is nice for about 4 Dags, & goes towards trying to get the turtle mount. Every cast gives at least 1 Daggermaw.
I concur, fishing the pools is definately faster if you can do when the area is quiet or it's a low pop realm. The raft from Nat Pagle definately comes in handy here.
If you are on a low pop realm, a fast way to get the Darkmoon Daggermaw needed to buy the pet is to fish in the pools around Darkmoon isle, they give 2x4-6 fish before it despawns.