Sandclaw Sunshell

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.2.0 | Posted: June 25, 2019
Level 0:

1-19 of 19
1-19 of 19

Got one at 67.3 41.7! Phew!
ack! I had one! near the temple area. 77, 38 or so. even checked the move I was about to use and thought "ok, even if I crit, I still wont kill it" pet did the most insane double damage crit...and killed it lol! ugh! back to searching...
I'm wondering if there is always one up somewhere on the map? I captured one and then a few minutes came across another which wasn't up before the first one got captured....
Didn't find a rare one but will just stone it eventually!
I was about to give up hope lookijgfor this pet but just as I was about to call it I saw one and captured it at 63.18, 42.38 at 1:57am server time. It was an unco not sure to the breed though as I don’t have that add on sadly.Â
Does reputation matter when attempting to collect this pet?
Found mine at 71, 44 in the Drowned Market; took me DAYS to find it, over 40 pet battles. Ended up picking up a green at the above co-ordinates, which is between the two pillars just after crossing the broken bridge on the main path into DM, just under the 'r' in Kal'Methir on the map.
I spent about two hours searching all of the recommended spots for this pet. When I finally found it, it was an H/P rare. :)
It took a while, but I finally got the P/S breed. Don't settel for the other two breeds. It doesn't matter what rarity they are because you will make it rare with a stone. The P/S is superior by all means.
That there's always one at the drowning market isn't really reliable. Like other rare spawns it just has a random chance of spawning at one of the existing spawn locations. I'm ~10k/12k to revered rep in Nazjatar and had yet to see one ever as a primary or seconary spawn, until this evening, when I found 3 in a row as primaries within ~15 minutes:
1: uncommon at 63,43
2: rare at 68,37
3: rare at 72,44
68/36 - Kal'methir Citadel
Want to verify that there always seems to be just one under the A at the drowning market! that is where i got mine as well. good info.
Found one at 74.44/29.52 primary
Finally found one at 77 51 (Lemor'athra Spire) as a primary pet.
Found mine at 63.35 42.59, Under the K&A in "Kal'methir" on the map! Good luck!
Can confirm, finding a primary one, green quality at Lemor'athra Spire (south of the "A" on the map of "THE DROWNED MARKET" as stated on a previous post!!!
I looked for hours around Kal'Methir and Elun'alor Temple with NO luck at all. Such a HUGE relief after looking for days, being the last one I needed for the achievement. Thankyou Buffysummers for posting that spot!
Also found one as a primary pet around Elun'alor Temple.Â
Also found mine near Elun'alor Temple flight path in Eastern Nazjatar - coords 71.49 44.80 as a primary pet of green quality. Good luck!Â
First one I saw and caught was a primary pet (green quality) at Lemor'athra Spire (south of the "A" on the map of "THE DROWNED MARKET") in eastern Nazjatar
Found one near the Elun'alor Temple flight path in Eastern Nazjatar. It was the primary pet so I could /target it.