Magical Crawdad

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about while pinching claws.
» Video
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Burning Crusade expansion required.
Fishing: Fishing [430]
Zone: Terokkar Forest
Approximate Drop Rate: [Mr. Pinchy] 1 in 500 fished from Highland Mixed schools
Approximate Drop Rate: [Magical Crawdad Box] 1 in 5 (of 3 available)

Magical Crawdad Box
Item Level 70
Binds when picked up
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss a Magical Crawdad.
Sell Price: 25
A flying mount or flight form (druids) is required to fish for [Mr. Pinchy]. When you click [Mr. Pinchy], he grants a wish. You get three wishes total. Wishes are on a 48-hour cooldown. One of five possible outcomes is a [Magical Crawdad Box]. Therefore, this already rare item does not even guarantee the drop, making the pet even more rare. 430+ fishing is recommended. See El's Extreme Anglin' guide Catching Furious Crawdad and Mr. Pinchy for strategies to obtain [Mr. Pinchy].

I had such a good time getting this magical guy today. About 150 casts, and on my first wish, very lucky.
He is H/H, I'm not sure if they all are?
I fished continuously from Blackwind Lake. A lot of times there were other anglers out. Only a few times I wasn't able to find a pool to fish out of. Based on guides and other info I found, I think the occurence and spwan time of these pools has greatly improved from years past.
Update: wish 2 was also a magical crawdad!
When you Wish upon a star...
Got Mr. Pinchy on my 25th cast. He gave me the Magical Crawdad on my first attempt. Feeling lucky lol
An heal dot and a huge 50% heal in another slot make this m go to pve slot#3 healer.
Worth the time investment or a p/p gleamhoof fawn as a lesser sub.
Wasn't even fishing for 5 mins, got Mr. Pinchy on my 8th cast and got Magical Crawdad on first try. Wha.
Got my Mr. Pinchy after roughly 1 hour of fishing and then Crawdad dropped for me at 1st attempt ;))). LUCKY ME !!! Such an outstanding battle pet, well worth any effort putted to catch him. Good luck to all of you !!!
2019 Got him on fishing attempt 100. Dropped Mr.Pinchy who had 3 charges. Activated him and got my pet on the first charge. Surprisingly easy to catch And saved like 60,000 coin.
This is my go-to pet for nearly every PVE battle and absolutely for training my other pets. If I manage the heals correctly, I never have to bandage, go to a stable master or use "revive" at all. She can solo most level 25 teams (occasionally have issues with the epic hard hitters) - not quickly, mind...she's not a big damage dealer, but because I can count on how much she'll hit for, she's perfect for capturing as well. Patience is required at times...but slow and steady has won many races for me.
Do you have to fish for this in those Schools or the waters fine aswel?
1147 casts in the big lake making the circle around and around and around....
800+ crawdads caught....61 crates...
Finally got Mr. Pinchy....first 2 wishes, Bupkis....3rd wish, bingo!
Stoned him to 25 instantly, with the team heal, the wish heal, and Surge which always goes first...he's a nice little pet
Took 11 hours total start to finish at 800 fishing skill, with Twilight Angler pole, and Fishing Hat Buff.... I was well over 1000 skill................................................. seems pretty RNG to me
Got mine this morning. I fished for less than an hour on the lake in Skettis and got the box. This morning I used my second wish and got the pet. It's clearly all about luck, but the good thing is that you seem to be able to farm there without too much interference from other players.
Got Mr. Pinchy in TWO casts, and magical crawdad box on the first roll. Am I the luckiest man alive?
Before 'Battle Pets', back during The Burning Crusade, this was one of the coolest and toughest companion pets anyone could get.
I don't have numbers or stats on getting him, but from my own personal experience, it was quite an effort to finally get it. First thing was getting your Outlands flying skill, the first place flying was introduced. Then you had to compete with players to fish up Mr.Pinchy. I had to capture him 3 times, so on the 9th wish I got my Magical Crawdad.
Don't be fooled by all the "it took me *insert low ammount of time measure here*". Farmed this for about an hour, and after 100 furious crawdad, 1 goldenscale vendorfish, 33 golden darter, 1 spotted feltail, 3 huge spotted feltail, 6 inscribed scrollcase, 9 mote of water and 7 curious crate... no mr. pinchy.
update: came to try again and got mr. Pinchy on my 6th pool or so, it also dropped the magical crawdad on the first use. If you're unlucky just leave it and try another day I guess.
They are still dropping... I caught Mr. Pinchy after about 25 minutes fishing (big lake with island in middle), not sure if it mattered but I did use lure with combined fishing of 1135. Magical Crawdad dropped on first attempted, will update if I get more than one from the box. I'm looking foward to fighting this one as it has been frequently mentioned, esp. in PvP battles. UPDATE: only the one dropped, other two "wishes" gave buffs.
Went from 79 to 225 fishing before I caught mr pinchy, second wish got me the magical crawdad!
update: caught 4 more mr punchy since the first one and haven't got another magical crawdad :/
I'm very new to battle pet collecting. This is my first attempt at really farming for a specific pet. I started at 8:00 a.m. this morning. It is now 10 minutes to noon. No Mr. Pinchy. I went from fishing lvl 100 to 272 in this time. I've lost count of casts. Am I doing something wrong?
Top pool around 20th cast got two in a row. Nice to have this one. Still fighting for the Disgusting oozeling.
Started at 25 fishing, got Mr Pinchy when hit 116 and got the pet first time :) then found another Mr Pinchy a few casts later so 5 more charges.
Kind of feel guilty...I fished him up after only 42 casts! Now to level that sucker!