Hermit Crab

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Level 0:

1-11 of 11
1-11 of 11

Between the high speed, bubble, and dive abilities, this little guy has some great survivability. Great finisher for PVP.
This pet combos great with other strong pets that have the Acid Rain ability to buff his slot 1 ability. Blightbreath is a good choice because the addition of having Dreadful Breath to cleave the enemy team down.
In the phased Darkshire, Hermit Crabs spawn along the water to the south. They are level 3-5, and unlike the crabs in the new islands, can spawn in rare quality. I managed to pick up a blue quality after only a handful of fights. It'll take a lot more leveling up, but as long as you've got a creature who can strike them without killing them, you can get your rare fairly quickly (or comparitively quickly) with how many and how often they spawn.
Haven't found a rare either after a couple hundred so came to check. Not going to stop yet because still missing one of it's common secondaries. Once I have all the secondaries, I'll just use an upgrade.
Incredible for PvP because of its overbudgeted stats. With a higher base speed than all the viable pets but the S/S rabbit it can use Shell Armor and Dive to mitigate a ton of damage while tunneling away with its build up attack.
This aquatic pet should be lauded for its fantastic 349 spd and 280 plus speed..it could hammer elementals..could be great in pet pvp.
Just wanted to add that after farming these on and off since launch, it appears that they will not spawn as rare quality, same as the boghopper (based on my experience). Â
Almost imposible to find this pet in rare quality. After hours of Vol'dun coast farming I saw only 3 uncommon (1000+ hermit crabs were killed). Don't waste your time.
I've found 2 of them at 36.44 , 89.11 (close to port of zem'lan). Wild pet, not just added in the battle
These are found as stand alone pets, not just as added pet.
Found a bunch yesterday while along the shore in Tiragard Sound, poor quality, but there.