Fen Crab

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: June 23, 2015

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1-16 of 16

Just doing the Tanaan pet battles for Fel Touched Pet Supplies, I've seen so many rare Fen Crabs. I've never done a regular pet battle in Tanaan and have 2 rare P/P and 1 rare H/H, just for variety sake, and have skipped so many more. ;m;
I began looking for the P/P Fen Crab 2 weeks ago, along with a Bloodbeak. I did not find any P/P. It became an obsession and I've spent the last 3 days doing nothing but looking for the P/P. Geez! I've leveled so many pets in my quest, but I'm still at it.
That Crab is a monster. 357 Max Power ( P/P ) with a very powerful moveset and a large movepool that you can choose. Having the access to Dive/Blood in the Water, Spiny Carapace/Shell Shield and Claw/Rip ( Having access to combo Rip + Blood in the Water perfectly ) makes of him a Must-Have Pet in my Opinion, especially if you want to do PvP Battles or catching tanky Elemental Pets. √
I love my crabs! o_O"
You need to use Rip or Claw b4 Blood in the Water. Try this for a fast & exiting battle-
1 h/h Fen Crab
1 h/h Kelp Scuttler
(or two of either)
1 Chrominius
- rip/claw + blood in the water (switch to next crab) blood in the water.
- rip/claw (swich back to first crab) blood in the water (assuming it's still alive swich crabs again) blood in the water.
- howl + surge of power.
Now wudd'en'at fuun?
27,61 tanaan got my blue
The first one I saw was a rare. It was a secondary to a Bloodbeak on the road to Zeth'Gol. I was able to fight it with a Fledgling Kingfeather (25), a Rose Taipan (24), and a Feral Vermling (19). Was a really easy fight, it's 'Blood In The Water' would often miss.
One of the better looking crabs in game imo.
Try using this in the lead while lvl pets outside Horde garrison. Maybe not the ideal choice for Icespine "beast" but its actually as effective as my mechs are. Get 3 cuz as noted in last comment, easy to get rare as 2nd's in Tannan pet battles. Rotate them out each battle to avoid the 4 minute healing time or costly bandaids. Do Shell Armor>Rip>Blood in the Water. Often enough to kill the Icespine. Then I often do one more rip on the next enme pet to aid the incoming leveling pets.
In hundreds of pet battles in Tanaan, I have never seen a non-rare Fen Crab as a primary or secondary. Sometimes this is a bit of a pain when they are backing up the legendaries, but not insurmountable. However, when they're ALL rare, it makes the aquisition of a rare seem kinda lackluster.
Seems to be a lot of b/s here. I just found 4/4 blue primaries at Scuttler's Coast
I have to agree on the all-rare issue. Doing the Bleeding Hollow Campaign, I ran into at least a score of them and every one was rare (not that I am complaining too much, capturing rares is fine, IMHO). The often show up as secondaries to Cerulean Moths (with another flyer). I tend to go with Nether Faerie Dragon as my lead and rarely have to switch to another during the entire fight.
Often seen as a backup to the Legendary pets... simple to get one there... Use Howl Bomb and EPW...
Third battle in tannan jungle and captured a rare P/P tertiary off of a Bloodbeak north of Vol'Mar.
I captured a rare P/P as secondary of a Tree Python
They seem to be all rare?!?!
I caught a rare H/H that was a secondary in my first Tanaan legendary battle against Direflame! Looking for a P/P now.
Was I having a string of unusual luck, or are ALL the Fen Crabs on the southern shore always Rare? I even had, for the first time ever seeing it, three Rares in one wild battle.
That being said, they aren't a hard fight; even the Tainted Maulclaw on the same beach can nearly be taken out solo by Ikky (thanks, HazelNuttyGames).