
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about and shakes head.
» Video
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Burning Crusade expansion required.
Profession: Fishing
Quest: Crocolisks in the City [70]
Zone: Shattrath
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 2 from [Bag of Fishing Treasures]

Muckbreath's Bucket
Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss Muckbreath the baby crocolisk.
The [Bag of Fishing Treasures] that drops this pet can be obtained by completing the daily fishing quest [70]Crocolisks in the City. Level 70+ is required to obtain the quest, but a Fishing skill of 1+ is all that's required to complete it. Note that this daily quest is randomly available among four other daily fishing quests.
As of patch 3.2, the drop rate from the [Bag of Fishing Treasures] that drops this pet was improved significantly from around 2% to roughly 60%.

drop rate on this and peoples comments are way off. Did the daily on 8 toons 2 days in a row and not 1 pet yet.
Got all of these 4 crocs in one day by doing the quest on 6 different toons. Worth it xD
These are cute pets. I hated doing the fishing though!
Love the Crocolisks. Four little guys with the same moves. But Muckbreath is slower and weaker than Toothy, for 81 points higher health. No thanks. Get Toothy if you want to PvP, or at least Snarly.
i got this one on my first try at this drop. love him, cant wait for the others.
This lil guy has a new animation! He will occasionally burp and blow a brown cloud from his mouth. Guess he lives up to his name!
If anyone has an extra of this little guy, I'd be happy to trade. I have Snarly, Chuck, and Toothy I'd love to trade one of them for Muckbreath! I'll make a toon on your server to make the trade. Send a msg if interested! Thanks and happy collecting! :)
Look out for other abilities that benefit from the Rip bleed effect. For example, all the crocolisks have Blood in the Water, and all bears have Maul.
The first three crocs dropped in order while doing the fishing dailies.
I swear this one took at least six more tries, possibly eight or more. The time period was at least two and a half months.
It finally dropped on the first day of the Midsummer World Event.
I have noticed that the first day of world events are often times when this particular fishing daily will turn up on my server. (US, Alterac Mtns.)
Anyone can confirm/deny my suspicion?
Here's to hoping they make cooking pet-friendly and add a Gingerbread Boy... fun times.