A new pet was discovered in the latest build of the WoD Alpha — a Royal Peacock. [source]

Prior to Patch 5.1, a baby peacock of varying colors was datamined from the PTR (one version pictured above) but it's unclear if the new pet will use the same model or skins.
The Unlisted Pets page has been updated to include the known details of this new pet, along with information on all of the pets datamined from the WoD Alpha.
List of all WoD Alpha datamined pets
Update On Pet Breeding
Lead Game Designer, Cory Stockton (aka: Mumper), Tweeted an update on the status of pet breeding in WoD.
"We decided against pet breeding for the 6.0 launch. Mainly balance and content concerns."
While this may be disappointing news for some, pet breeding could still be in our future as part of a content patch after the initial release of the expansion. We remain hopeful that WoD will be full of wonderful new pets and features for collectors, battlers, and all players.
I'm not sure how I missed this news post from over a month ago, but I'm sad that pet breeding has been postponed. Here's to hoping it's not a permanent postmonement. *coughdancestudiocough*