New Achievements
Five new Pet Battle achievements were added to the WoD Alpha, however they may only be for testing purposes and are subject to change as indicated by their names. [source]
- [TEST] Beast Beat-down - Finish a battle with a Beast ability.
- [TEST] Hydraulics - Win a pet battle with an Aquatic and a Mechanical pet on your team. 5 points.
- [TEST] If One Is Good... - Win a battle with 3 Vengeful Porcupette pets
- [TEST] Survivalist - Win with three pets alive!
- [TEST] We've Got a Bleeder! - Win a pet battle with Bleeding as the final damage.
We'll have to wait and see whether or not these achievements stick around for the release of the expansion. More might be in store for us, but let's just hope there isn't a challenge that involves using three Darkmoon Rabbits or three Viscous Horrors to win a battle!
New Pets
Two new pets were also discovered, the Grovestrider Hatchling and Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar. [source]
List of all WoD Alpha datamined pets
It's unclear where the Grovestrider Hatchling will come from, but the Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar is currently listed as an engineering recipe (requiring skill level 700).
To possibly accompany our new piggy-pet, a new Battle Pet ability was added, Pig Out. There aren't any battle pets assigned to this ability yet, but it sounds as if it was made for a hungry hog!
New Battle-Stones
Last but not least, two new Battle-Stones were found lurking in the WoD Alpha, Training Beast Battle-Stone of Testing and Training Battle-Stone of Testing.
There are currently only the two listed above, and as their name suggests, they are subject to change. With all things in testing phases, these stones may not make it into the expansion, but it will be interesting if they do.

We look forward to learning more about these "rare candies" as well as all pet-related additions to the WoD Alpha.
I like the idea of Rare Candy in the game but given it only takes 4-5 trainer battles to go from 1 to 25 is it worth it. Still, a nice prize for when we have to tame the new wild level 25's (capture at level 23) so we dont actually have to level them up. Guessing rewards from Garrison or PvP
"Win battle with 3 same pets" will make them much more expensive. From another side Bliz may do it for higher TI pvp motivation in WoD.
Thank you for the update. I am hoping that they release epic quality pets or stones. There are already 5 epic pets but they are learned as just of rare quality. As a side note increasing the max lvl of pets would be a nightmare to collectors like me with over 550 pets to lvl up. Just my 2 cents worth lol
They only raise the Pet "one level"? That seems like an extreme waste of bag space. Thanks for the update though. A Lot of exciting information!!
I'm sure that if a "win a battle with 3 of X pet" achievement goes live, the community here will be super helpful in lending out pets to help everyone get it!
My guess is the training stones are just being implemented for rapidly leveling pets during beta.