Accuracy Changes
Senior Game Designer, Jonathan LeCraft, started a discussion on player preference between accuracy versus damage ranges.
"Pet battle peeps: would you prefer a wider variance in damage (95-105 vs 70-130) instead of the 80-95% miss chance?"
Based on feedback from this discussion, many pet abilities received an increase in accuracy in the WoD Alpha. A large number of abilities saw their hit chances increased to 100%. [source]
These changes need to be tested further and should not be seen as guaranteed, but it's possible that pet abilities will hit more often than miss in the expansion.
New Tailoring Pet

LeCraft provided more details on Twitter and even an image of the pet (picture right). It was revealed that the Elekk Plushie will be a stationary pet that won't do too well in Pet Battles.
LeCraft noted that it's currently undecided if this pet will actually be implemented. Perhaps the Elekk Plushie needs a bit more fight sewn into it first!
Alpha Testing NPC
A new NPC arrived in Orgrimmar and Stormwind on the alpha, Pet Battletaur. Players visiting this vendor can purchase Mythical Battle-Pet Stones, Battle Pet Bandages, and Flawless Battle-Stones. The Mythical Battle-Pet Stone is not consumed when used.
This leveling stone will probably only be available for testing purposes, and it's unlikely that it will be released on live servers. It's also unlikely that Pet Battletaur will stick around once testing has ended.
I found Pet Battletaur today in WoD Beta next to Varzok, the Pet Battle Trainer in Orgrimmar. He still sells these items that are a big help for any EU beta tester who start with 0 pets.
(Atm, there are no npcs in Shattrath (Outland) so that the questline for the battle tamers cannot get past Morulu. It looks like this means you cannot open the quest for the MoP battle pet tamers to level pets at those).
I don't see that NPC in the beta. Since none of my pets transferred* it would really be nice to have.
* Pets that are emailed to you I did get those emails but they were all level 1 or course.
Request for Blizz to NEVER AGAIN make available the following:
All BlizzCon pets
All no longer obtainable and region specific pets in some recurring fashion. (Ie: Spirit of Competition - Obtainable during Olympics.)
Personally I think its ugly as sin. I rather have a pet that serves a purpose in pet battles :)
The elekk should be a battle pet that moves. It could just drag along the ground for all I care. Considering we have balloons, children that can fight (Sporeling, murlocs), hallucinations (wolpertinger, pink pachyderm), kites, and other such silly things, this one is no more or less silly.
Had it been a female, I was thinking "Pet Battletaur" = "Pat Benetar" =D
Alas, no. Checked the model on WoWHead, and there's absolutely nothing to make me think there's a connection.
That Plush Elekk is the most adorable minipet I have ever seen. I really hope they will add it to the game properly with proper movements. :D
The accuracy changes are the best thing to pet battles since ever!! I would MUCH rather have a wider range of possible damage, than the possible 'miss' 'miss' miss'...dead scenario we have now. If they could just fix the capture crate's accuracy also, maybe a grind to get one that has a 100% chance to capture on the fisrt toss?