Through your feedback, we learned that the comment stream we've had on WarcraftPets for years was being overlooked by many of our newest members. The problem turned out to be a labeling issue. Our label of "latest comments" proved too vague and confusing.
But thanks to the growing popularity of sites like Facebook, the concept of "status updates" and "wall posts" are much more universally understood. So we've done a bit of site-wide updating to transform our latest comments stream into the WarcraftPets Wall. Anytime you like, feel free to update your status and add to the conversation.
Make Yourself at Home
To further promote the newly dubbed WarcraftPets Wall, we've extended the number of
In addition, our homepage now features a listing of several of our most recent news stories following the featured news post. This should help you keep up-to-date on all the latest battle pet news, even if you only visit us once in a while.
Of course, we'd love to see you become a WarcraftPets regular. So pull up a chair, get comfy, update your pet collection and share your status.