Time flies... ! It's been eight pet-filled years since WarcraftPets came online. From day one, we were dedicated to bringing you everything related to "small pets" (as they were known back then).
Over the years, we've changed almost as much as WoW itself. Our site and community has grown to become the "go-to" resource for pet battlers and collectors — thanks in large part to you.
Year In Review
The past year has been filled with new additions and LOADS of new pets!
- More than 80 new pets added to our database!
- We had a few rounds of site updates. Additional filters to search for pets, a comment section on our all of our news posts, and a dedicated forum section just for PTR and Beta discussions — to name just a few updates.
- Our annual meet-up at BlizzCon 2014 was great fun. Mmm tasty murloc-themed cookies!
- Warlords of Draenor released a whole new world full of pets to collect and new features to play with, including the garrison and Menagerie.
- We celebrated a huge milestone for WoW, its 10th anniversary! Blizzard released two limited-time pets during the festivities, the Molten Corgi and Hatespark the Tiny.
- We covered two heartwarming stories — The Amazing Tale of Grannyglee and the Azeroth Adoption Agency.
- Last but not least, what if Battle Pets evolved à la Pokémon? It's a neat idea, but perhaps the denizens of Azeroth are not quite ready for it!
Thank you for 8 Amazing Years
Thank you once again for supporting our site with your regular visits. We'd especially like to thank our

Now it's your turn — join in the celebration! The next time you log into WoW, take out your favorite pet and give it a /cheer on our behalf!
Happy Collecting!
May your travels through the World of Warcraft continue to be filled with exciting pet battles and lovable companions.
Happy Happy Birthday :D
I hope you will continue doing this for many many more years :D
Happy Birthday! Great site that I visit almost daily! <3
Happy Birthday!!
This is one of the must have bookmarked sites for WoW. You're doing a fantastic job here and I'd be lost without you.
Wow! I had no idea it's been 8 years. Thank you so much for all the help this site has provided me over the years!
sent 1 comment it made a duplicate sry for that was accident.
Glad to have a site so dedicated to the players and collectors from new to old and everyone and thing inbetween i just wanted say ty for making companions such an amazing fun journey. sincerly from bottom of my heart to top of my joyous smile ty
Glad to have a site so dedicated to the players and collectors from new to old and everyone and thing inbetween i just wanted say ty for making companions such an amazing fun journey. sincerly from bottom of my heart to top of my joyous smile ty
Fabulous site filled with fabulous people! Recently joined and I have no idea how I muddled along for so very long without WarcraftPets.
Yaaaay!! Congratz!! 8 years of an awesome website <3
Grats! y'all are the greatest!
Happy Birthday all and thanks for your great work on the pets i used this site everyday Keep if up for a long time and again from me THANKS AND HAPPY BDAY :)
Happy 8th Birthday! Thank you so very much for all you do here! Looking forward to 8 more, and beyond! :-D
HAPPY Birthday WCP! May there be MANY more!!! :D
Happy Birthday! I started coming here in 2008 and would never have been able to get the collection I have now if it wasn't for this site! Thank you to everyone!
oh oh Happer Bday Warecraftpets....many more to come.
oh oh Happer Bday Warecraftpets....many more to come.
Happy birthday! Thank you for all that you do.
Happy Birthday!!!