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A World of Vanity Pet Resources

June 11, 2011
WarcraftPets provides you with a bunch of resources for building your collection of companion pets. In addition to listing every companion pet in-game, we also offer a guide to collecting Vanity Pets by Zone and you can filter pets in a variety of useful ways.

Here are some other resources that are worth a look...

Wowhead's Non-combat Pet Guide
Perculia of wrote up a wonderful, compact overview of all our favorite mini-companions.

Wowhead's guide features a complete list of pets as well as pet-related achievements. Wowhead's article has a dedicated section that also lists by source, such as pets earned from quests, trading card game companions, and many others. In addition to our site, it's a great starter resource, especially for collectors who are just beginning the awesome adventure of collecting pets!

The Undermine Journal
If you've never heard of The Undermine Journal before, it's a website that tracks, lists, and alerts you of current and updated in-game auctions even if you're not in-game!

Each (US) realm has its own section with auction house categories such as Hot Items, Enhancements and Consumables. A similar EU dedicated website link can be found on The Undermine Journal's front page.

It has been brought to our attention that this informational website has added a companions category (link shows all pets on the Alliance Scarlet Crusade realm) in the Enhancement section. So if you're looking to start playing the vanity pet market or just seeking a cheap and quick purchase, The Undermine Journal is a great resource.

Good luck and Happy Collecting!
Posted by Quintessence
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