- Moonkin Hatchling - Right Click to summon or dismiss a Moonkin Hatchling.
There's no information on how this interesting companion may be obtained yet or if it's even intended to be released with the expansion, however we look forward to reporting any news that may arise in the near future! We'll definitely be sure to announce if Blizzard is planning on creating a druid-form critter army as well.

Another intriguing item discovered in MMO-Champion's item database is the Baby Coralshell Turtle. The tooltip states that it requires a fishing skill of 450. Could this be a new fishing daily reward? However, it must be noted that it is not listed as a learned item which may indicate that it may not be a true vanity pet.
There are many other unconfirmed companion items and spells shown on both MMO-Champion as well as Wowhead, although some have been in the databases for a while. With the discovery of the Moonkin Hatchling and the Baby Coralshell Turtle added to the list, we can only continue to hope that we will finally see a few of these lurker pets in Cataclysm.