NEW WotLK PETS! Four new pets have just been discovered in the Wrath of the Lich King beta. All of these pets can randomly hatch from a [Mysterious Egg]: Tickbird Hatchling, White Tickbird Hatchling, Cobra Hatchling, and Proto-Drake Whelp.
The Oracles are a tribe of primitive reptiles, known as gorlocs, inhabiting the Sholazar Basin. They resemble a cross between murlocs and gremlins (the scaly kind that you get if you feed the fuzzy ones after midnight). These cute, yet creepy creatures must defend themselves against the encroachment of what they refer to as the "puppy-men", an opposing faction of wolvar called the Frenzyheart Tribe. For your efforts in assisting the Oracles, you may purchase a [Mysterious Egg] at revered. The egg will hatch after seven days, with a chance to give you a new little hatchling of the native fauna. Should you choose to side with the wolvar, you can buy a [Disgusting Jar]. Exactly what might emerge from this jar remains to be seen.