The sunflower also now (sometimes) sings upon summoning! Da-da do di do-di do di ♪ There's a zombie on your lawn! ♪
Check it out for yourself in TotalBiscuit's video (featuring the old model). The randomness of its singing could be a bug.
Currently the pet uses the same model as the Ammen Vale Lashling, however it's animation features musical notes radiating from it. Hopefully the model will change... us pet collectors enjoy variety.

Our friend TotalBiscuit added a video to his YouTube channel that shows the quest in action.

Commonly referred to as a "Skeletal Raptor," this little guy is learned via Archaeology (the Fosil Tree) after grinding the skill to the higher levels. At the moment, it requires 85 Fossil Archaeology Fragments, which are obtained while grinding up the highly anticipated new skill.
For you mount collectors, there is also a Fossilized Raptor mount. It requires 100 Fossil Archaeology Fragments. TotalBiscuit also posted a video of both the pet and the mount in action—check it out!