Don't forget the Feast of Winter Veil in-game event includes many seasonal pets to collect:
- Father Winter's Helper
- Tiny Snowman
- Winter Reindeer
- Winter's Little Helper
- Clockwork Rocket Bot
- Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot
- Lumpy
- Rotten Little Helper
- Grumpling
- *New* Globe Yeti
The first four pets can drop from the [Gaily Wrapped Present] found under the Winter Veil trees in Orgrimmar and Ironforge beginning on December 25th. The next four can be obtained through the "You're a Mean One" daily quest.
The Grumpling drops from lootable Snow Mounds in the Winter Veil daily quest area in Frostfire Ridge, Draenor.
And last but not least, the newest pet of the season is the Globe Yeti. This wild pet can be found energetically zooming around inside the giant snow globes in Ironforge and Orgrimmar. Only one spawns at a time and it will despawn within a few minutes if no one is around to capture it. It has a relatively short respawn time (roughly 30 minutes).
Happy Holidays
We'd like to thank the community for supporting WarcraftPets over the years. It's our ongoing privilege to provide a resource and service to all of you pet enthusiasts. We look forward to bringing you more exciting pets and news throughout the New Year.
Warmest wishes for a pet-filled 2018, along with a generous RNG.

About the Artist: Michelle Spalding (Drrum) is a talented graphic artist and the creator of an impressive gallery of pets and mounts.
Merry Christmas, everyone...wishing you all at Warcraft Pets and also the community a happy, healthy holiday and all the very best in 2018!
Thank you so much, Warcraft Pets, for all that you continue to do. You've been a valuable resource for many, many years (I started playing in 2006... can't quite remember when I (so fortunately) discovered your site! I know it's been a LOT of years now, though. Your efforts do not go unnoticed by me and many other people.
Here's to many more spiffy pets to go out and discover! :)