Blizzard recently announced that a revamped Recruit-A-Friend program will be returning. It's unclear when as an official date was not announced, but we'll likely see it appear in the near future. [source]
What's New?

Not much is known yet about this little monkey, however Wowhead has datamined its Pet Journal description:
"Rikki has a talent for sneaking in and out of all manner of small spaces, if bribed properly with figs."
To earn this battle pet, players will need to recruit a new friend, or recruit an account that has not had game time added to it in the past 2 years. After this recruit adds 1 month of game time or more to their account, Rikki should be claimable.
Other rewards include a new title, weapon enchant, tabard, cosmetic gear, and two 2-seater mounts. Learn more about these rewards in Blizzard's preview of the updated Recruit-A-Friend program.
What About Previous Rewards?
Unfortunately, it's unknown if the previous Recruit-A-Friend battle pets will be made available to collectors ever again.

No information was provided regarding these pets, so at this time we can only speculate that they have been retired either temporarily or permanently. We certainly hope that it's the former and we'll see them again in the future.
Seriously looking for a new RAF friend (Im from the Netherlands), playing since vanilla and passionate Alliance player :-)
My country is selected as Denmark, so no, I didnt cheat to get the raf pets or the mounts I wanted from it. Thank you for accusing me of it.
@ Gabrizar
Unless you cheat by selecting another country than Denmark, it's not possible.
It's illegal under Danish law, and Blizzard adhears to that, by blocking RaF if you or the friend have selected Denmark as country.
Actually, as a Dane myself, it was possible to get the RaF pets and mounts.
I figured this was going to happen... The old RaF mounts and pets don't appear to be available anymore.
Some of us are "unlucky" enough to live in a country (e.g. Denmark) where RaF (and the discontinued SoR) is illegal.
I would love, if WCP could lobby the possibility to have the pets/mounts become available to us, in an alternative way.
Maybe in-game store, at a price that is equal to the average cost of a RaF process.
We'll see the previous pets show up in the shop for $10 a piece soon enough.