Found in the latest PTR build, MMO-Champion has some extremely exciting news for us. The 100, 125 and 150 pet achievement rewards have been updated! [source]
- Petting Zoo (100 pets) now rewards Nuts' Acorn
- Menagerie (125 pets) now rewards Brilliant Kaliri
- Littlest Pet Shop (150 pets) now rewards Celestial Dragon
Previously, the 100 and 125 pet achievements were found to award players with Magical Pet Biscuits on the PTR, while the 150 pet achievement awarded Nuts' Acorn. But I think we all knew Breanni was just teasing with those pet biscuits, right?

A Second Jouster!
Be sure to get your lances ready for some jousting in the next patch! As many have already speculated, the achievement, The 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl: BEATEN, does indeed award the mini-jouster that was not initially chosen by players upon completion of the original quest chain.
The daily, Vigilance on Wings, will be available in 4.2 from the same NPC found within The Flamewake portal in Mount Hyjal. After completing the achievement, players will be mailed a Chirping Box that will contain the mini-jouster pet.
A Daily Per Day
Unlike the long (and random) road to acquiring Pebble, the jousting daily will be consistently available, so this achievement should take a significantly less amount of time to complete.