UPDATE: The Alliance Balloon is a reward from a quest offered by Vin in Stormwind, while the Horde Balloon is a reward from a quest offered by Jaga in Orgrimmar. Both quests are named
Blown Away.
The PTR is slowly winding down, yet MMO-Champion found two new companion pet spells within the latest PTR build! [
- Alliance Balloon - Right click to summon and dismiss your Alliance balloon.
- Horde Balloon - Right click to summon and dismiss your Horde balloon.
No other information is known about these two interesting "pets" yet. Could Blizzard be planning a party of sorts? Perhaps one that requires balloons, streamers, cake... and, oh my, this is starting to sound like a
birthday party.

We will have to wait and see, but we look forward to finding out more and bringing you all the details in the near future!