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Post-BlizzCon 2017 Wrap Up and Community Meet-Up

November 07, 2017
BlizzCon 2017 was an exciting whirlwind of previews and reveals for many Blizzard titles. We hope you enjoyed the celebration of all things Blizzard as much as we did!

Next Expansion & Pet Battles
WoW: Battle For Azeroth
The next expansion was announced during the convention, Battle For Azeroth! We can't wait to see what new battle pets await us in the new zones.

Tortollan NPCs - Tottle?
An interesting creature was shown during one of the panels — could this adolescent turtle (pictured right) be Tottle, a baby Tortollan pet that was datamined in Patch 7.3.2?

Although not much Pet Battle content was revealed during any of the WoW panels, Wowpedia had a chance to interview Developer Jeremy Feasel and touched briefly on the topic of pets.

Pet Battle?
Yes, going to keep expanding dungeons. No ideas yet, but it's definitely coming
Pet battle WQs are cool, that may keep going on too
Plenty of uprez'd pet models, including a new big fat fluffy cat gorging itself on fish

The fluffy cat?
Both big fluffy cat with a big body and big face, and also a big fluffy face with a regular cat body

We're intrigued by this new cat pet, however we'll have to wait to learn more. Once official testing/datamining begins we'll have more information and details on all of the upcoming Pet Battle content, so stay tuned.

What new pets do you think will make an appearance in the new zones?

Shadow Plushie Coming Soon
Shadow plushie coming soon
Coming soon to the Blizzard Gear Store is a plushie version of Shadow. (pictured above, image courtesy of Wowhead) From release through the end of the year, proceeds of this toy will be donated toward disaster relief efforts.

It was also announced that over years, collectors and Blizzard fans have helped generate over $15 million USD for charitable causes. What a heartwarming feat!

WarcraftPets Community Meet-Up
Once again, we'd like to thank Marzena for organizing and hosting this year's WarcraftPets Community Meet-Up. We hope everyone had a great time!

BlizzCon 2017 WarcraftPets Community Meet-Up
If you attended BlizzCon and signed the sign-in sheet at the WarcraftPets Community Meet-Up with your username, you're automatically entered into our Blizzard Store Pets giveaway!

Breanni will be conducting the raffle for 3 Store Pets this Thursday, and will contact the winners shortly after. Keep an eye on your email registered with WarcraftPets.

We look forward to the next BlizzCon and WarcraftPets gathering! And of course, thank you to ALL of our users for your continued support.
Posted by Quintessence
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Site AdminBreanni 
Rating: +3   [Report]

Congratulations to Guccia, Jelstang and Elena, the three winners of our WarcraftPets Meet-and-Greet raffle! Check your email for a special message from me with instructions so you can redeem your choice of pet from the Blizzard store. Once again, grats! :-)

Nov 9, 2017 at 5:32pm | Edits: 0 | Scarlet Crusade-us | Pets: 311 Compare collections | Score: 1499
Top RaterTruweildude 
Rating: +2   [Report]

Please updated frog models, unique ones not the panda style toad model, but an actual frog, they look very different. 2 words SLOTH pet! And unpdated marmot models, they look so sad being made of triangles. Those are my hopes anyway, also, it be really nice if they revisted older pets made them more unique, like the 107 moths and the 62 rats/squirrals. chipmonk needs a unique model, they are squirrals.

Nov 8, 2017 at 5:17pm | Edits: 1 | Aerie Peak-us | Pets: 1840 Compare collections | Score: 14703
Rating: +2   [Report]

Thanks Marzena!

Nov 8, 2017 at 11:17am | Edits: 0 | Hyjal-us | Pets: 1130 Compare collections | Score: 8952
Top RaterSound 
Rating: +1   [Report]

With AP weapons going away will the pets obtained by working on them also be going away? That's what I'd like to know. 

Nov 8, 2017 at 9:15am | Edits: 0 | Silver Hand-us | Pets: 920 Compare collections | Score: 5501
1-4 of 4

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