Pets In Warlords of Draenor

A BlizzCon attendee, @gloriaboboria, managed to speak briefly with developer Cory Stockton (aka: Mumper) and Tweeted more details on what the Pet Stables might entail.
Pet Breeding...?
Keep in mind that although Pet Stables within garrisons has been confirmed, the following features have not been officially announced yet, and things may change over the course of the development process.
- Players will be able to breed pets within their garrisons. Epic pets may be the result of breeding. [source]
- Better breeds through breeding, but the level cap will not be raised. [source]
- The idea of "gem slots" to increase stats of pets has been replaced with the idea of breeding. [source]
Adding even more buzz to this, Mumper clarified their goal for pet breeding a little further in a Tweet.
"...current plan is you can merge two pets of the same family and pick the breed. Doing this gives chance at epic."
"Offspring's level will likely be an average of parent pet levels. Using battlestones in the breeding process might increase chances for an epic pet." [source]
"Breeding higher quality pets will give you a better chance for epic pets." [source]
"Players will be able to pick the breed of the offspring based on its parents' available breeds." [source]
WarcraftPets Meet-and-Greet

An extra thank you goes to user Marzena for providing "Crazy Cat Lady" cookies (pictured) at the gathering!
Again, thank you to the attendees for making this year's Meet-and-Greet awesome, and of course to ALL of our users for your continued support.

Don't forget that we'll be raffling off a Rocket Chicken (code courtesy of for those that attended and signed the Meet-and-Greet roster with a valid WarcraftPets username. The winner will be announced on Twitter and Facebook, so keep an eye out!