Blizzard has just announced the first two new plush pets: Wind Rider Cub and Gryphon Hatchling! These little cuties, which come with codes for their corresponding in-game vanity pets, will be available for purchase "in the weeks ahead."
The Pet Store is about to go plush! Introducing the Wind Rider Cub and Gryphon Hatchling, the first in a new line of cuddly, crafty critters scheduled to arrive exclusively in the online Blizzard Store in the weeks ahead. Each plush companion will come with a code for a matching in-game, non-combat, account-bound pet to fly by your side in Azeroth. Both Horde and Alliance players will be able to adopt either pet once they hatch in the online Blizzard Store. Keep your eyes on the sky -- and the official World of Warcraft website -- for more information.
So that solves the mystery of these formerly "MIA" pets. I can't wait to order mine so my plush Lurky can have some pals and I can add some new companion pets to my collection! We'll let you know when they become available for purchase.